

“Surveillance Breeds Conformity”: Salon’s Glenn Greenwald Interview

by Natasha Lennard – Salon for Transcend Media Service 3 Jan 2014 – Glenn Greenwald tells us what he’d have done different in ’13, why privacy matters and his hope for his new venture. Longtime Salon readers will have known…

Book Review: Coffee with Silo and the Quest for Meaning in Life

A book by Pressenza co-director and first time author, Tony Robinson, has recently been published in Hungary.  It’s an autobiographical work which charts the author’s experiences as an activist in the Humanist Movement over 20 years but spans from his…

From Marxism to Neoliberalism: Ronnie Kasrils on How Mandela & ANC Shifted Economic Views

Juan Gonzalez for Democracy Now! Speaking from Johannesburg, leading anti-apartheid activist and former South African Intelligence Minister Ronnie Kasrils discusses the evolution of the African National Congress’ economic views from its time as a liberation movement to leading South Africa…

Sharmine Narwani: Syrian opposition is not united and cohesive

 Syria is entrapped in a mesmerizing and unusual conflict these days. Fighters from more than 80 countries, mostly the European and Arab allies of the United States, have taken up arms against the Syrian government and persistently push for the…

Occupy, dead or evolving?

“Out of sight, out of mind” was translated into Spanish some years ago during an EU summit as “locura ciega” (“blind madness”), very fitting for the feeling many have that Occupy, the inspired and inspiring movement that opened a ray…

Facing the Future: Kosovo at the cross-road

  Focus Group with Fisnik Kumnova and Mehmet Kaçamaku, social activists in Mitrovica, Kosovo   by Gianmarco Pisa, IPRI (Italian Peace Research Institute) – Rete CCP (Civilian Peace Corps Net)   We find ourselves, in a cloudy October afternoon, in…

‘We Are Suffering A Slow-Motion Nuclear War’

[clear][divide] By Julio Godoy* | IDN-InDepth NewsInterview BERLIN (IDN) – Robert Jacobs was born 53 years ago, at the height of the cold war, amidst the then reigning paranoia of nuclear annihilation of humankind. In school, he was eight years…

Chilean politician applauds young parliamentarians, criticizes Bachelet

By Brittany Peterson for The Voice of Russia Chileans took to the polls Sunday to elect a new president and Congress, but only came away with the latter. Brittany: Michelle Bachelet is a former president to Chile and for the last…

Why France Played wrong tune in nuclear talks?

Interview with Abdolreza Faraji-Rad University Professor of Geopolitics & International Analyst By: Iranian Diplomacy (IRD) Q: Why is France seemingly against a nuclear agreement [between Iran and the world powers] and why is the French government, which used to play…

What is at stake is the life and death of thousands of people

“FortressEurope” is Gabriele Del Grande’s blog. Gabriele’s blog subheading writes: “For six years I have been travelling around the Mediterranean sea, along the European borders, in search for the stories that make History. The History that will be studied by…

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