

Storms at the Summit of the Americas

June 7 was a bad day for Luis Almagro, secretary-general of the Organization of American States (OAS). During the ninth Summit of the Americas, a young man declared to him what he is: an assassin and puppet of the White…

Rejecting War Is Not Enough—Racism Curdles Peace

War and racism have always been violently, tragically inseparable. For centuries, the most devastating and brutal conflicts in the world have been driven by destructive notions of racial superiority and murderous assertions of ethnic differences. By Claudia Webbe Russia’s invasion…

The Therapeutic Power of the PRESENCE: Dialogues with Enric Benito -Interview 02-

From Rehuno Salud and in a joint work with the organisation Al final de la Vida we talked with Dr. Enric Benito about the humanisation of the end-of-life process. On the taboos that exist, what is the good death, palliative…

Intersectionality: A concept from the 1970s that is gaining in importance today

Discriminations are attitudes and actions that devalue a person or group and that result in limitations, exclusions or restrictions for cultural, legal, personal or natural reasons that are not accepted. Unfortunately, we are part of a society full of prejudices,…

Biden’s visit to Saudi Arabia exposes the Ukraine narrative for the sham It Is

In a major walkback from his campaign pledge to make Saudi Arabia a “pariah” for human rights abuses like the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi, President Biden will reportedly visit Riyadh with the goal of persuading Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to…

Development as Service

Initiatives of the Global South have much to contribute to the discussions on development, sustainability and climate change, especially when it comes to changing our behavior. The world is constantly making new agreements on how to combat climate change, restore…

Ukrainian official behind Western media reports of Russian atrocities fired by Ukrainian parliament

A Ukrainian government official frequently cited as a source by western news media for her allegations of atrocities committed by Russian troops has been fired by the Ukrainian parliament, in part because of the unevidenced nature of those claims. Newsweek…

The Rise of NATO in Africa

Anxiety about the expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) toward the Russian border is one of the causes of the current war in Ukraine. But this is not the only attempt at expansion by NATO, a treaty organization…

Reactors in a war zone and potential health consequences

Nuclear power plants are vulnerable to meltdown at any time, but they are especially vulnerable during wars, such as we are seeing in Ukraine, as evidenced by Russian attacks on the six-reactor Zaporizhizhia nuclear power facility and on the closed nuclear facility…

Western leaders have many complexes – Lavrov

Their neocolonialist policies are driven by delusions of grandeur and a sense of entitlement, Russia’s top diplomat tells RT Western leaders believe themselves to be exceptional and are driven by delusions of grandeur and irrational fears, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey…

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