

World March for Peace presentation during nuclear disarmament event in Japan

Rafael de la Rubia exposed the World March proposals during an event gathering some of the main representatives from NGOs for the abolition of nuclear weapons. The conference took place yesterday, August 6, in Hiroshima. The central issue was the role of organizations in the revision of the Treaty of Non-Proliferation of atomic weapons.

To avoid a future catastrophe, we must act today.

It’s encouraging that U.S. and Russia leaders have once again put nuclear disarmament on the negotiating table, but we cannot forget that we live in a highly dangerous moment. The danger stems also from the madness of violent groups with possible access to nuclear material and the real risk of accident that could set off a devastating conflict.

We are the Obamajority

Read the complete address “Peace Declaration, 2009” of Tadatoshi Akiba at Hiroshima’s bomb ceremony on 6th August. The mayor of Hiroshima and president of the NGO Mayors for Peace declare that “we support President Obama when he said in Prague in April of this year ‘the only role for nuclear weapons is to be abolished’.

The World March crowns Mount Ararat

On the anniversary of the nuclear bomb attack on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, an expedition of Spaniards and Turks has reached the summit of legendary Mount Ararat to “pay homage to the memory of the victims of that disaster and strengthen an open and diverse global movement that rejects all forms of violence and affirms the human being as the highest value.”

World March delegation participates in ceremony in Hiroshima

The spokesman for the World March for Peace and Nonviolence, Rafael de la Rubia, accepted Mayor Tadatoshi Akiba’s invitation to participate in the ceremony to remember the bombing of Hiroshima. During the event’s main speech, Akiba emphasized the U.S. president Barack Obama’s efforts towards the abolition of nuclear weapons over the next decade.

Illegal immigrant hunt

Crisis brings out the extremes in Japan’s character. While maintaining its organization and efficiency, the country has begun to increasingly target the legality of foreigners. I will begin this coverage of the comemmorative ceremonies and events surrounding the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, by relating some experiences to set the context for today, August 5, 2009.

The flame of the WM has been lit in Hiroshima’s Peace Park

The event took place before the flame that has burned since 1945 in memory of those who died, and that will not be extinguished until all nuclear weapons are eliminated. AT the event, representatives of the World March committed to carry the flame of Hiroshima through every country the WM will travel through, demanding the abolition of nuclear weapons.

Peace March expeditionaries rest at Mount Ararat’s Base 1

Eduardo Gozalo, Aurora Marquina, Alvaro Orus and a few others reached the meadow at 3400 metres and set up Base camp 1, with the plan to continue the climb towards the peak of Mount Ararat, the mythical site where it is said Noah’s Ark came to rest after the Great Flood. They will continue towards Base 2, located at 4500 metres.

The Second Fall of the Empire of the Rising Sun

**Editorial from Hiroshima** The economic world crisis, starting in Wall Street last year, exploded in Japan more powerfully than in any other country. A similar explosion occurred when Japan was hit by two nuclear bombs in 1945, dropped on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Now, immigrants are the first victims of the explosion caused by the present economic crisis.

UN nuclear watchdog’s board agrees to €25 million budget hike for 2010

The United Nations nuclear watchdog’s board has approved an almost €25 million increase in the agency’s 2010 budget.
The Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will receive over €318 million in its regular budget next year, with the biggest funding boost going to work in nuclear security and safety, technical cooperation, nuclear power and nuclear applications.

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