

Support for Obama in suspending Missile Defence in Europe

It is a very important gesture of détente and peace by President Obama and we want to highlight it and applaud it around the world. We support all efforts of the US President to advance towards global nuclear disarmament. We invite Obama to support the World March, something that has already been done by almost 20 National Presidents and Governments of the World.

“I learn from contact with the people, from listening to the people,” explained Evo at the University

At the Faculty of Political Science at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Complutense University of Madrid), Evo Morales spoke about his political project and explained before professors and students: “I learn from contact with the people, to better serve the people… Governing is simple: it’s a matter of taking initiatives, of listening to proposals.”

The President of Paraguay, Fernando Lugo, declares his support for World March

“Hoping that it contributes to what we proposed within UNASUR, so that our South American continent is a region of peace”. Fernando Lugo expresses as such his official support for the World March for Peace and Nonviolence. The initiative of the organization World Without Wars already had the support of the Presidents of Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, Uruguay and Argentina.

Miguel Ríos: peace is a dream – but one that will come true

Spanish rocker Miguel Ríos played on 12 September in Alcorcón (Madrid), as part of his farewell tour “Memorias de la Carretera” (“Memoirs on the Road”). During the concert he encouraged those present to participate in the World March for Peace so that one day no human being will be struck down for any reason – “it’s a dream, but it will come true!”

Evo uses the same speech with businessmen as with his popular base

In a meeting at the Forum Nueva Economía that President Evo Morales held this morning with Spanish businessmen, they listened to the same speech that thousands of people were able to hear the day before in Leganés. During the breakfast meeting, Morales welcomed foreign investments as long as they met Bolivian regulations.

Sadly child rights are not always respected

Poor families often want their children to work in order to earn money for the family. There are employers who like child labourers in the unskilled and semi-skilled sector as child labourers are cheap and work quickly. People in society from the top to the bottom are responsible for child labour, there must be a collective will power to stop child exploitation.

Peace Square in Jerusalem to celebrate the World March

Last April, World March organizers and Meir Margalit, councilman of the Meretz´s political party, agreed to build in Jerusalem a square to celebrate the World March. In the center, a six meters “green dome” will protect from the sun and circular seats will allow the place to be a “meeting point”. The square will be located between a Jewish and an Arab neighborhoods.

Nobel Peace Laureates and the World March

The WM spokesperson in Europe, Giorgio Schultze had a meeting with the “Nobel Peace Laureates”. The group will receive the World March Base Team in Berlin during the Summit that will take place on the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. On this occasion, Silo has been invited to speak about the subject of “peace and nonviolence in the present moment”.

30% increase in military spending in South America last year

South American countries spent more than US$51billion dollars in defense in 2008, almost 30% more than last year, according to a study carried out by the Centro de Estudios Unión para la Nueva Mayoría. Military investment is to increase further following a recent military purchase and technology sharing agreement between France and Brazil.

UN Security Council Heads of State urged to “promote tangible steps” to a nuclear-weapon-free-world

With the upcoming special session of the UN Security Council on September 24 approaching, Abolition 2000 calls on world leaders, “to focus attention and promote tangible steps that would reduce the nuclear weapons danger, and move decisively toward a nuclear-weapon-free-world, based on the UN Secretary General’s five – point plan.”

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