

Rajagopal seeks support in Europe for the landless in India

Rajagopal, founder of Ekta Parishad, a movement that promotes non-violent struggle in favor of the landless in India, is currently touring Europe. In Madrid, he held a meeting with various organizations to share information and create a network of support for his initiatives, aimed at making legal changes to assist the poorest segments in Indian society.

Gorbachev congratulations to Obama’s Nobel

Here we publish Mikhail Gorbachev’s open letter to the President of the United States, congratulating him for his efforts to bring about a significant change in the international climate and on being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 2009, asking the support from Americans and from men and women of good will throughout the world.

Flag for Peace flies at summit of Lanin Volcano

Lanin Volcano is situated in south east Neuquén province in Argentina. Two mountaineers, Siloman Toledo and Cecilia Ulloa, reached its summit at 3776m, where they unfurled the World March for Peace and Non-Violence flag. According to the two adventurers, “we hope that this experience is inspiring and that we manage to raise awareness in society”.

The World March calls on Japan to kick out US bases

On the 3rd and final day in Japan, the World March called on the Government to kick out US bases, a proposal in line with the World March’s demands that foreign troops should withdraw from the territories of other countries. Local organisers welcoming the call described the demand made at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as *“unprecedented”*.

Alarming Statistics on the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

One day on from World Food Day, the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty aims to raise awareness within the public opinion, about the importance of eradicating poverty and homelessness in all countries, and especially in the developing countries. But the shortfall between the aims of this proposal and the real data grows every day.

Hundreds protest in Kyoto against war, poverty and discrimination

“Collective action in Kyoto against War, Poverty and Discrimination” was the banner for hundreds of Kyoto activists demonstrating today. Women’s groups, anti US bases organisations, communists, anti-nuclear power organisations and organisations defending article 9 of the Japanese constitution were among those represented together with the World March for Peace and Nonviolence.”

1000 candles for Peace in Hiroshima

1000 candles were lit today spelling out the demand “Nuclear Free Now!” The act was part of an event called NO NUKES 2020 organised by Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation; an organisation established in April 1998 by the City of Hiroshima to promote peace, and to consolidate the city’s activities in peace promotion, globalization, and international cooperation.

On World Food Day

This Friday, October 16th, marks the celebration World Food Day 2009, started and sponsored by the United Nations. This year’s theme “Achieving food security in times of crises” seeks to highlight the seriousness of the problems facing food supplies in the world, as well as the effects of biofuel production and climate change.

The World March Team Visits Thrissur, India

Four members of the base team of The World March for Peace and Non-Violence were hosted by the Humanist Movement of Kerala on October 14th ,the anniversary of Gandhi’s visit in 1927. The team members attended various functions interacting with post graduate students, youth, socio-political leaders, and the press club.

For the first time in 56 years, the World March enters the demilitarized zone between the two Koreas

Base team members did not travel to South Korea in vain. Thanks to their visit to this country known as the “Land of Morning Calm”, this is the first time that foreigners have set foot in the zone marking the border between the two countries, called the “demilitarized zone” or “DMZ”, a buffer zone surrounded by the highest concentration of armed forces in the world.

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