

Tomas Hirsch: His Dream is our Dream

In a tribute to Martin Luther King from the World March for Peace and Nonviolence, Tomas Hirsch honors Dr. King’s dream. Mr. Hirsch spoke at the Lincoln Memorial, in Washington, and referred to present dreams for a world without nuclear weapons and without wars. He declares his disappointment for President Obama’s decision to send more troops to Afghanistan.

World March for Peace and Nonviolence Gains Support in US Congress

Members of the international team of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence met with US Congressman Dennis Kucinich on Capitol Hill as well as staff members of Congressman John Lewis, Congressman Keith Ellison and Congresswoman Maxine Waters. Congressman Lewis was to introduce a resolution in support of the World March to Congress that afternoon.

Stevie Wonder, A New UN Messenger of Peace

Ban Ki-Moon, U.N. secretary-general, designated American singer, Stevie Wonder, a U.N. Messenger of Peace. At a press conference also attended by the artist, Ban praised Wonder saying he was a “musical genius” and a “man dedicated to humanitarian causes who has campaigned against Apartheid (in South Africa), for children in need, and for people with disabilities”.

UN Secretary General Gives Enthusiastic Support to World March

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon received a delegation of the World March in New York and gave his enthusiastic support to this “noble” effort. Both parties offered to find ways to work together in the task of abolishing nuclear weapons. The March organizers agreed to adopt the Secretary General’s 5-Point Plan as one of its official documents.

Martin Sheen marches in support of Peace and Nonviolence on the day designated “Los Angeles day of nonviolence”

The World March for Peace and Nonviolence arrived on the US west coast today, with events in Los Angeles, Sacramento, Red Bluff and San Francisco. In LA a March of over 500 people took to the streets in support of the global initiative passing through 100 countries to send a strong message to President Obama condemning his decision to increase US troop presence in Afghanistan.

Mayors for Peace present situation

During November 156 new members joined the movement of local authorities
demanding the elimination of all nuclear weapons by 2020. As of December
1st Mayors for Peace counts 3,396 member cities and municipalities in
134 countries and regions. This latest sharp increase of members is an
encouragement for Mayors for Peace.

“The end is the beginning in the heights”. Peace will be taken to the highest summit in Latin America

“Representing all the Women, Boys, Girls, Elderly Women and Men of the world who are suffering daily violation of their rights, I shall present my message of faith, hope and peace for all human beings and I shall also be flying the World March flag on 01/01/2010 from the highest possible habitation in the world, Monte Aconcagua (6.962msnm.)”.

United States Plans to Sign New START Nuclear Treaty with Russia the End of December.

The US is waiting for the new Russian-American Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) draft to be ready by the end of this December, declared State Depart Spokesman, Ian Kelly in a November 24 press conference in Washington, DC. The current START-1 treaty that requires both powers to reduce their nuclear warheads, expired December 5th.

Iranian journalist Mazdak Ali Nazari still missing

The whereabouts of Iranian journalist Mazdak Ali Nazari continue to be unknown. He disappeared on November the 8th, after security forces entered his house and arrested him. Authorities did not explain the reasons for his detention and the family is worried about the fate he may face. This pacifist was working with the World March for Peace and Nonviolence in Iran.

Wind, rain and cold, not enough to deter Marchers for Peace and Nonviolence in New York City

The International Base Team of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence arrived today in New York and marched with over 1000 people from Brooklyn to Manhattan to celebrate the start of the North American leg of the March. Later, in the evening Dr Bernard Lafayette, civil rights activist and nonviolence educator inspired the audience at the Riverside Church.

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