

Egyptian Protests Continue Despite Further Concessions

The pro-democracy protests in Egypt have entered their third week as demonstrators are holding another massive protest in Tahrir Square, downtown at El Cairo, the capital city. While President Hosni Mubarak is refusing to resign, his regime is attempting to offer some new concessions in an attempt to end the protests.

Renewed pressure on Mubarak to quit as talks fail

Egyptian President Mubarak came under fresh pressure on Monday to step down as opponents said concessions made in landmark talks were not enough to halt a revolt against his 30-year rule.
Thousands of demonstrators spent Sunday night under blankets and tarpaulins in central Cairo’s Tahrir Square, or Liberation Square, which over two weeks has begun to resemble a tented camp.

This Is The Most Remarkable Regional Uprising That I Can Remember

In recent weeks, popular uprisings in the Arab world have led to the ouster of Tunisian dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, the imminent end of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s regime, a new Jordanian government, and a pledge by Yemen’s longtime dictator to leave office at the end of his term. We spoke to MIT Professor Noam Chomsky about the situation in Egypt.

Regarding the events in Egypt

Here we publish complete the Press Release text that the international organization “World Without Wars and Without Violence” communicated today, in reference with the recent facts developed in Egypt.
Such organism, forms part of the Humanism Movement and was the one coordinating the “World March for Peace and Non Violence” that finished on 2010.

Egypt opposition rejects government reform offer

Opponents of Egyptian President Mubarak’s embattled regime dismissed as insufficient an offer to include them in political reform plans and renewed their demand that he step down.
In a concession, Vice President Omar Suleiman sat down with the groups, which included the banned Muslim Brotherhood, but the talks produced no immediate breakthrough in the two-week-old standoff.

Egypt military urged to respect rights of protesters

Amnesty International is urging the Egyptian military to respect the rights of protesters as demonstrators held their biggest protest.
Media reports said hundreds of thousands of people had gathered for what organisers dubbed a ‘Million Man’ protest calling for President Hosni Mubarak to step down and corruption, poverty and police abuses to end.

Mubarak should act fast, world says

European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton on Wednesday urged Egypt’s embattled President Hosni Mubarak to do things “as quickly as possible” to smooth the transition to elections.
* Europe wants Mubarak to move forward
* Muslim Brotherhood see no alternative to Mubarak departure
* World leaders say Mubarak transition must start now

Obama signs new nuclear deal with Russia

US President Obama signed ratification documents for a new START nuclear arms reduction treaty with Russia, in a showpiece moment for his “reset” of ties with the Kremlin.
Obama signed the documents in the Oval Office surrounded by key senators and top national security and military officials, including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates.

Hundreds of thousands amass for Egypt day of anger

Several hundred thousand Egyptians amassed on Tuesday for the biggest outpouring of anger yet in their drive to oust President Hosni Mubarak, on day eight of a revolt in which an estimated 300 have died.
Demonstrators flooded Cairo’s Tahrir Square protest epicenter from early morning for a “march of a million” planned for the capital and second city Alexandria.

Defiant but joyous protests up pressure on Mubarak

Massive tides of peaceful protesters flooded Cairo and Egypt’s second city Alexandria on Tuesday in the biggest outpouring yet of defiance in a relentless drive to oust President Hosni Mubarak.
Several hundred thousand demonstrators massed in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, the epicenter for a “march of a million” in the capital, and similar numbers turned out in Alexandria.

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