

World without Wars calls for a rapid end to the use of nuclear energy in the light of Japanese earthquake

The earthquake in Japan and the subsequent meltdown of nuclear reactors in Japan has caused fears of a nuclear catastrophe of unprecedented scale. With the approach of the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster, which non-industry supported investigations report the deaths of up to 950,000 people, World without Wars spokesperson speaks out about the use of nuclear energy.

Japan Disaster May Hold Lessons for Haves and Have-Nots

Over 45 countries, ranging from sophisticated economies to developing nations, were actively considering embarking upon nuclear power programmes. Whether the shocking experience Japan is undergoing despite its hi-tec reactors, will have impact policy makers in countries striving to build atomic power plants and others which already have these, remains to be seen.

Equality for women in shaping Egypt’s future

The dramatic events in Egypt, Middle East & North Africa have seen millions taking to the streets to demand real change.
Women are standing beside men, demanding end to repression and calling for root and branch reform. Both women and men have suffered under repressive governments. But women have also coped with discriminatory laws and deeply entrenched gender inequality.

World without Wars remembers the attacks on Atocha Station and expresses concern for the nuclear power stations in Japan

The World without Wars World Coordination Team today remembered the victims of the terrorist attacks of the 11th of March 2004 and denounced all forms of violent action and social injustice in the world with a visit to Atocha Station in Madrid. “We need reconciliation: a reconciliation between all peoples of all cultures and all religions.”

World without Wars and Violence meets in Madrid in a moment of great hope and optimism

The International Coordination team of World without Wars started its meeting today in Madrid, Spain, bringing together all 12 members of the team coming from 11 countries who speak 8 different mother tongues. “The world is changing and we take strength from this and we hope that what we achieve in these days can also give inspiration and support to all our activists.”

Clashes Continue in Libya; Toll for East Estimated at 400

In Libya, forces loyal to Col. Muammar Gaddafi are locked in intense fighting with the opposition forces for control of several cities and towns. The International Committee of the Red Cross says Libya has descended into civil war with increasing numbers of wounded civilians arriving in the hospitals in eastern cities.

Effective Development Is All About People

On March 3 and 4, a group of teenagers and pre-teens in Springfield underwent what was called a “30-hour famine”. They fasted for 30 consecutive hours, breaking only occasionally for sips of water as nourishment.
They also participated in activities that required physical effort, just as the poor in food insecure countries would, even when enduring the pangs of hunger.

Saudi Arabia urged to reverse ban on peaceful protest

Amnesty International has called on the Saudi Arabian authorities to reverse the ban on peaceful protest, amid fears of a violent crackdown on mass demonstrations planned for Friday’s “Day of Rage”. Prince Saud Al-Faisal, the foreign minister, said that “reform cannot be achieved through protests”, while the protest ban was backed by religious and security bodies.

U.N.: 1 Million Trapped in Libya, Need Emergency Aid

The United Nations warns that up to one million people are trapped in Libya and are in need of emergency aid as fighting intensifies between supporters of Col. Muammar Gaddafi and anti-government rebels. Earlier today, Gaddafi’s forces launched at least four air strikes against rebel-held areas in the oil town of Ras Lanuf.

NATO’s Inevitable War: The Flood of Lies Regarding Libya

In contrast with what is happening in Egypt and Tunisia, Libya occupies the first spot on the Human Development Index for Africa and it has the highest life expectancy on the continent. Education and health receive special attention from the State. The cultural level of its population is without a doubt the highest. Its problems are of a different sort.

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