

‘Nobel’ Obama Will Celebrate World Peace Day Testing a New Missile for Nuclear Warheads

In 1981, the United Nations General Assembly created an annual International Day of Peace to take place on the opening day of the regular sessions of the General Assembly. The purpose of the day is for “commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples.”

Now to the stock market

15-M now proposes an international demonstration, explaining that “El Grupo de Trabajo de Economía de Sol se suma a la iniciativa “OCCUPY WALL STREET” (The Sol Economy Work Group joins the OCCUPY WALL STREET” initiative), that various associations and movements in the United Stated promote and plan to camp on the 17 September in front of the New York Stock market.

South Sudan: Another Kitchen-Garden?

Its was expected; nevertheless, the announcement that agricultural development will be among the top cooperation priorities between Israel and South Sudan has raised fresh, deep fears in Cairo and Khartoum that intensive farming techniques and dams construction will end up depriving Sudan and Egypt from a vital portion of their Nile water sharing already scarce quotas.

How Zenawi ‘Weaponizes’ Famine in Ethiopia

“Why are Ethiopians starving again? What should the world do and not do?” These are the two enduring questions Time Magazine asked in December 21, 1987. The reply in short was couched as a question: “Is the latest famine wholly the result of cruel nature, or are other, man-made forces at work that worsen the catastrophe?” Something that should strike as déjà vu 24 years later.

IKV Pax Christi launches ‘NUKEM’ on the International Day Against Nuclear Tests

On the International Day Against Nuclear Tests, the 29th of August 2011, IKV Pax Christi’s NoNukes Campaign launched NUKEM, a Facebook application that makes the effects of nuclear weapons visible to facebook users.

Indian anti-graft activist Anna Hazare has begun to make a good recovery in hospital after ending a 13-day hunger strike

Hazare, 74, embarked on a public fast in New Delhi to pressure the government into backing tough anti-corruption legislation, and attracted huge nationwide support for his cause. His doctor Naresh Trehan said that “there is a 30 percent improvement in his condition, which is quite satisfactory”.

When the King hesitated about serious reform in Jordan

The extraordinary session of the Jordanian parliament was asked to stay in session in order to debate and vote on the constitutional changes that the royal commission had recommended and the king accepted. Once approved and signed by the king, the changes will be the most comprehensive changes in 90 years.

Movement for Nuke Test Ban Gathers Momentum

Voluntary moratoriums on nuclear weapon tests are not enough. Member states that have not yet ratified the United Nations-backed Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) should therefore urgently do so.

The real root causes of crime

Far from being keen on the obituary sections covering most of the communicative space in the media sphere, I think it is essential to throw light on the root causes from which most criminal activities come from today. This is precisely what the following note, published here in full, is dealing with.

Life Ends in Somalia

Somalia is one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world, the UN alerted over a year and a half ago. Now the UN calls on the world to save some 390,000 starving children in famine-ravaged regions. However, those who could really help—the rich, industrialised and oil exporting countries, apparently are now too busy with the ‘promising’ Libyan business.

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