

Zuccotti Park

Mayor Bloomberg ordered the eviction of Zuccotti Park around 2 AM this morning. The police pushed people with batons, destroyed tents, used pepper spray to disperse the protesters, and arrested as many as two hundred.
It is striking that after 5,000 years of civilization, including the development of languages, art, science, technology, democracy and cities like New York.

Justice for Thomas Sankara, Justice for Africa

We publish here the call from burkinabé civil society in order to finally let everyone know the truth regarding the death of Thomas Sankara, President of the republic of Burkina Faso, killed during during a coup d’Etat.

Sankara was one of the great presidents who pushed social reforms at the african independence epoch.

Tahrir boat activists bumped back to Canada by blockade!

Pressenza spoke with Ehad Lotayef who was deported yesteday from an Israeli detention center to Canada. Lotayef was arrested with David Heap on the Canadian ship «Tahrir» on Friday
November 4th. The Israeli navy intercepted the ship about 35 kilometers north of the Gaza Strip in International waters. The Tahrir was part of a flottila to Gaza with the Irish Saoirse vessel.

Middle East Nuclear Free Bid Moves to Finland – Yet Another Lost Chance?

The four-decade-long bid to liberate the Middle East from all weapons of mass destruction (WMD) starting with nukes, will move next year to Helsinki as Finland surprisingly decided to host an international conference on the establishment of a Middle East nuclear-free zone.

Pedro Páez letter

Here we give publication to the complete letter we received from our friend Pedro Páez, at the moment in which he concluded his
duties as President of the Ecuadorian Presidential Technical Commission
for the New International Financial Architecture, to which he were appointed by the Ecuatorian President Mr. Rafael Correa.

Women’s mass protests during the Syrian Revolution: A preliminary analysis

Women began protesting in large groups of women in late March However, because women were not seen street-protesting in the first few electrifying days of massive protests especially in Dara March 18-24, the Syrian revolution was early typified by the viewer reaction, “Where are the women?” This characterization of women’s absence deserves to be overturned, however.

Listen to the next generation of Jews

The Jewish New Year has just ended and taking that opportunity to reach out to anyone who would listen, but particularly the Jewish world community, Rabbi Brant Rosen of the USA asks: “Is the Jewish establishment really able to listen to the next generation of Jews? He brings people’s attention back to what took place almost one year ago in New Orleans.

Palestine Becomes a UNESCO Full Member Despite U.S. Threat to Cut off Funding

Paris –The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) today Octobre 31, 2011 voted to admit Palestine as a full member of the Paris-based agency.

UNESCO’s General Conference, the agency’s highest ruling body, took the decision by a vote of 107 in favour to 14 against, with 52 abstentions, according to a news release.

For Most U.S. Politicians “the Promotion of Wars Is More Sacred Than God Himself!”

“The promotion of wars are viewed, especially by most US politicians, as the Holy Cow, more sacred than God Himself! Obama has been so much under pressure from Republicans, where their ultimate goal is to oust him from the Whitehouse, that he has compromised his principles beyond comprehension. The Republicans want to continue to protect the rich as to become even richer,

Leaderless leadership!

“I think that everyone involved in or studying Occupy or Town Square or 15M and the Arab uprisings should consider that this is a ‘Values’ based movement, not an ideologically driven one. We should throw away our group banners, our more superficial reasons for being involved, and take on the core value of simply actively, non-violently expressing our wish for a better world.”

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