

International humanist party statement on world situation

In this moment of history, and as a political party inspired by the current of Universalist Humanism, we find it necessary to analyse the present situation in order to develop proposals for action in the present global context. [Surely, this is a useful reference for others, Editor.] Statement from the International Humanist Party.

New Brand of Slavery Surfaces in America

We are all familiar with the proverb: **Not all that glitters is gold.** The Romans had a saying which ran as follows: **Aliud est theoria, aliud est practica** – **One thing is theory, another thing is practice.**

Mr. Ban Has a Dream: That Big Business Will Fight Against Modern Slavery!

Everybody is entitled to have dreams and anyway every one has, maybe some people more than others. The UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon appears to be very active in this field—he now pretends that big corporations, banks and eventually all the private sector everywhere, to be more active in combating modern forms of slavery!

Remember Somalia?

Geneva – Hundreds of refugees in southern Ethiopia have been relocated from an overcrowded transit centre to a new camp, the fifth one in the area for Somalis fleeing conflict and drought in their homeland.

Message from inside Syria

“If we, as human beings, do not elevate ourselves in a balanced way that combines materialism and spirituality, then we will not be able to evolve spiritually nor materialistically in order for us to exist and feel that our presence is fulfilled, as well as us feeling fulfilled with the presence of everyone, with God.”

UN to Rich Countries: Halt Austerity, Avoid Deep Recession

New York –The world risks falling back into recession if developed countries embark prematurely on fiscal austerity measures, according to a UN report, which recommends additional stimulus measures as well as more forceful international coordination to stimulate job creation and investment.

They, The Peoples

They are more than 370 million, that’s 120 per cent of U.S. population; they speak 4.000 of 7,000 languages spoken today all over the world; they contribute extensibly to Humanity’s cultural diversity, and they know more than any body else on Earth how to preserve water, land, biodiversity, and the whole cycle of life.

Millions of Yemenis Facing Severe Humanitarian Crisis

Geneva – Millions of people in Yemen are facing a severe humanitarian crisis, chronic deprivation, malnutrition and violence, the UN reports.

You Choose: $105 Billion a Year for Health Care or Nuclear Weaspons?

In 2011 the nine nuclear-armed nations will spend an estimated US$105 billion maintaining and modernizing their nuclear weapons, despite the International Court of Justice having declared it illegal to use and threaten to use such weapons.

Non violence has strong odds in Syria

While the Islamic nonviolence movement is not monochromatic, among its varieties is a belief that Syria needs a civil state to protect religious and ethnic pluralism, maintain completely equal human rights for every single person without regard to their religious belief or lack thereof; protect individual freedoms, and make government accountable, with checks on its power.

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