

Red Carpet for Aung San Suu Kyi in Britain, but nobody is mentioning Nonviolence

“If you are feeling helpless help someone”. Words of wisdom from Burma’s icon of the struggle for Democracy. Long years under house arrest and some prison, but she refused offers to leave, as her detention was the best nonviolent strategy to produce change. Now everybody wants their picture taken with her but not much is said about her chosen methodology.

Humanist Party Manifesto

Our manifesto offers Humanist Party candidates and activists a useful and adaptable platform that challenges the status quo where-ever, bringing into play a Greening and a Humanizing relevant today. Our proposals are are alternatives to what those of the old mentality propose, with their vague and empty promises as they shuffle for prestigious, high paid jobs.

Need to Focus More on Preventive Diplomacy

Short of passionately pleading for a profound change in the military-oriented mind-sets of decision-makers, SIPRI Director has called for a “far greater focus on less militarized solutions” to the global security challenges ahead, and for “an innovative integration of preventive diplomacy, pre-emptive and early-warning technologies, and cooperative transnational partnerships.”

Río+20 official document: The future we want

We publish here the official document, in its final version that was worked and agreed by the delegations present at the Rio+20 Summit and that only the Heads of State could modify directly. As our correspondents in Brazil reported, it only remains the act of formalization of its approval during the official summit meeting.

Over 100 Million Children Subjected to Slavery, Sexual Exploitation

On the occasion of World Day Against Child Labour on 12 June, two United Nations independent human rights experts highlighted that of the 215 million children working throughout the world, more than half are subjected to the worst forms of child labour, including sexual and labour exploitation.

Paraguay: Earth and Blood

Violent clash between peasants and police in Paraguay left 15 to 17 dead and 80 wounded and could have taken place in any Latin American country, except Cuba, Uruguay and Venezuela. In other regions there is a repeat of a pattern of rural entrepreneurship and investment of funds that attempt to appropriate public lands belonging to indigenous communities or occupy them.

Criminalisation of Nonviolent Protest – the emergence of a disturbing new trend

Around the world we are used to nonviolent protest being violently repressed. Those in a position of power have ruthlessly killed and tortured those who opposed them ever since human beings first learned to fight with sticks and rocks.

Syria – Houla Massacre Revisited

Pressenza, in communication with writers detailing points of view unaligned with the ‘taken’ media, republishes here two opinion pieces on the issue of the Houla Massacre. The standard media reports are otherwise following the line that it is the Syrian regime that was responsible and is not bothering to correct that view.

The rise of racism and sectarian violence. Humanism and Nonviolence must give stronger responses

Are we in a pre-widespread war or pre-genocide(s) moment? Or both? In the 1930’s several nations – amongst them the USA and Germany – suffered economic collapse and with it some of the worst examples of racially motivated slaughters recorded in history. And then, WW2. There are lessons to be learned and urgent work to be done to stop history repeating itself.

Rio+20: Mayors for Peace calls for redirecting military expenditures to fund sustainable development

Two weeks before the start of the Rio+20 Summit Mr. Kazumi Matsui, Mayor of Hiroshima and President of Mayors for Peace has added his signature to the [Rio+20 Appeal]( calling on governments to cut military spending in favor of sustainable development.

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