

Sudanese anti-austerity movement swells its numbers and hopes

We are seeing increasing social protests all over the world, with hundreds of thousands on the streets from Santiago to Montreal, from Moscow to Tokyo and everywhere in between. Sudan, after having recently divorced its southern neighbour is a country not know for its human rights and police leniency, so it is encouraging that even here things are moving, even if carefully.

UN arms trade talks finally get under way

Three weeks of UN talks aimed at hammering out a draft treaty to regulate the $70 billion a year global arms trade finally got under way on Tuesday, a day late because of a diplomatic tussle over Palestinian representation.

The Olympic Truce – an opportunity for us to stop killing each other for a while

Every two years the Olympic Games come round for the world’s sports fans to be distracted from their everyday activity with a couple of weeks of competition that inspires millions of young people all over the world to participate. In Ancient Greece, the Games were always accompanied by a ceasefire in war. The UN calls on the same thing to happen in the modern era.

Burma: Aung San Suu Kyi handed report on Arakan crisis and threats to freedom of information

Read the report
Reporters Without Borders is today releasing a report on the crisis in the western state of Arakan, a copy of which it gave yesterday to National League for Democracy parliamentary representative Aung San Suu Kyi, who is currently on a four-day visit to Paris, the last leg of a European tour that ends tomorrow.

China – Welcome to the helm CE Leung, well, not really!

Almost half a million people were on the streets in protest July 1, 2012, marking the day this territory was handed back to Chinese sovereignly by the British 15 years ago. It’s not that people are displeased at that changeover, it’s what ‘one does’ these days to show the power-holders that everything is not quite in order, with the insistent demand, let’s get it right!

Final Declaration of the People’s Summit in Rio +20

The final document of the Summit of the peoples summarizes the main points discussed during plenary sessions and meetings, as well as express the intense mobilization that occurred during this period that point of convergence around the structural causes and false solutions, solutions to the crises facing the people, as well as the main axes of struggle for the next period.

Experts say: “Crimes against freedom of expression” should have special status

Reporters Without Borders welcomes yesterday’s joint declaration by four international experts calling on governments to treat “crimes against freedom of expression” as a special category under criminal law and thereby provide journalists and other news providers with better protection.

Information, Communication and Culture of Peace – Keys to Sustainability Education

At the Global Media Forum, organised by Deutsche Welle and currently underway in Bonn, Germany, Pressenza director, Pia Figueroa was invited to participate on a panel on the theme of sustainability education. “We are convinced that until development is from all and for all human beings, violent conditions that put at risk social as well as personal life will persist.”

INTA Commettee must reject ACTA

Joint press release by 41 European and International organisations to invite Members of the INTA committee to fully reject ACTA.

Paraguay: Thin edge of the wedge?

Fernando Lugo, the deposed Paraguayan president, says he is aiming to return to power and is rallying allies at home and abroad to push congress to reverse a vote removing him from office that he and many others are calling a break with democracy and proper legal procedures. Lugo. 61, has created a parallel cabinet, attacking the legitimacy of the government that replaced him.

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