

A World Free of Nuclear Weapons: The Global Zero Petition and beyond

Letter from The Global Zero Team: “Four years ago in Prague, President Obama announced his commitment to seek a world without nuclear weapons. Now, in his second term, he’s uniquely positioned to pursue a bold plan that could wipe these…

Nuclear-weapons-free world – focus of 2014 assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union

Nearly 1000 parliamentarians from approximately 150 parliaments, meeting at the 128th Assembly of the Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU) in Quito, Ecuador from Mar 22-27, agreed to the topic “Towards a Nuclear-Weapons-Free World: The Contribution of Parliaments” to be the focus…

UN: 24 hours left to pass potentially lifesaving Arms Trade Treaty

World leaders have just 24 hours to adopt the final text of an Arms Trade Treaty in what would be a major step towards ending the devastating human rights and humanitarian impact of the global trade in conventional weapons and…

Statement by BRICS Leaders on the establishment of the BRICS-Led Development Bank

We, the Leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa met on the occasion of the Fifth BRICS Summit on 27 March 2013 in eThekwini, KwaZulu-Natal. We considered that developing countries face challenges of infrastructure development due to insufficient…

Promoting Peace: Fighting violence against women across the regions

Pressenza is delighted to start publishing the articles of 1000 PeaceWomen.  We start with an article from their latest newsletter. One of the major obstacles to achieving a culture of peace and ensuring gender equality is a problem that still…

The Koreas: pull the plug on US troops

South Korea and the US military are conducting military drills around the Korean Peninsular. Their media reports say these are ‘strictly defensive in nature’ – and they are planned to continue until the end of April this year. As a…

Falklands/Malvinas dispute tops talks between Ban Ki-moon and Latin American officials

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the Foreign Ministers of Argentina, Cuba, Peru and Uruguay discussed the issue of the Falkland Islands (Malvinas) during their meeting today at United Nations Headquarters in New York. The Governments of Argentina and the United Kingdom have…

New BRICS bank to rival World Bank, IMF

The BRICS group of emerging economies has unveiled a new development bank, which is aimed at breaking the monopoly held by Western-backed institutions. “It’s done,” said Pravin Gordhan, South African Finance Minister, on Tuesday, adding that “we made very good…

Honouring over 15 million victims of slave trade, UN calls for end to remnants of slavery

The United Nations today honoured the memory of an estimated 15 million innocent victims who suffered over four centuries as a result of the transatlantic slave trade, while highlighting the plight of millions more who still endure the brutality of…

UN: States must urgently shore up ‘serious deficiencies’ in draft arms treaty text

Serious deficiencies in a new draft Arms Trade Treaty text would fail to prevent arms transfers to countries where they could be used to commit or facilitate summary and arbitrary killings, torture and enforced disappearances, Amnesty International said today. The…

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