

From Einstein to Magritte : Beyond our truths. Symposium of Center of Humanists Studies in Paris and Brussels

Throughout history, humankind has always taken its destiny into their hands determined to discover the secrets of the universe. Today, perhaps more than ever, such sustained effort coincides with rapid global change, causing much disorientation but also opening new horizons.…

Mother Agnes-Mariam and the evacuation

EVACUATING THOUSANDS FROM MOADAMIYA This is the story, with photos and video links, of the rescue of thousands of citizens in Moadamiya, which ended less than 24 hours before Mother Agnes-Mariam boarded her flight to the US. The Mussalaha (“Reconciliation”)…

Kerala march – No to violence, yes to life!

Humanist Movement members in Kerala launched a campaign named: New renaissance march for Kerala’s humanization under the banner of “Say NO to VIOLENCE, YES to LIFE”. “We started our journey November 1, [2013] from the southern district of Kerala, Kasaragod,…

Remember Remember the 5th of November…

Anti-austerity events were organised by different groups in London in front of Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square and Parliament square and Westminster bridge, to coincide with similar actions in many countries around the world. In the UK it was bonfire night,…

Anonymous, a movement, not an organization

All who claim anyone is in charge of Million Mask March knows little of Anonymous. There is no official site, and nobody is in charge: it’s a movement, not an organization. Quote from the Anonymous website: “To remind this…

Iran and Turkey Look Forward to Mending Ties: Ankara Back to Start Point

Relations between Turkey and Iran are on a new path, which is directed toward elimination of certain tensions and political differences between the two countries. Officials both in Iran and Turkey have indicated their interest in further expansion of bilateral…

What is at stake is the life and death of thousands of people

“FortressEurope” is Gabriele Del Grande’s blog. Gabriele’s blog subheading writes: “For six years I have been travelling around the Mediterranean sea, along the European borders, in search for the stories that make History. The History that will be studied by…

International Panel on Fissile Materials: “2013 Global Fissile Material Report”

Fissile Materials versus Strategic Materials A “strategic nuclear material” is any substance that can be used as a nuclear explosive – that is, capable of causing an atomic explosion. A “fissile nuclear material” – or simply “fissile material” – is…

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the Syrian way

Not being a Bible reader I can only take my information from Wikipedia-style hearsay. So, apparently, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse were originally in the Book of Revelation named as Conquest, War, Famine and Death. But somewhere along the way,…

Gypsies in Israel struggle to rise above circumstances

  The story of Maria, the fair-haired child found recently with Gypsies in Greece, has exacerbated the already negative reputation of Europe’s Gypsy minority, which suffers from poverty and lack of education and now has to thwart accusations of child…

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