

The revelations behind Bradley Manning revelations. Social media showing the same warning signs.

Bradley Manning has been convicted of espionage but acquitted of aiding the enemy in a military court-martial. WikiLeaks’s founder, Julian Assange, said the conviction against a whistleblower was a “dangerous precedent… Bradley Manning’s alleged disclosures have exposed war crimes, sparked…

Palestine – how fast will this chicken will get fleeced?

Public Negotiations began amid great fanfare in Washington DC. Saeb Ereklat sat next to a war criminal (Tsipi Livni who is responsible for massacre of hundreds of civilians in Gaza) and across from the Israeli lobbyist Indyk (representing the US) after giving up…

Arabs, Beware the “Small States” Option

At the heart of all politics lies cold, hard opportunism. New circumstances, changed alliances and unexpected events will always conspire to alter one’s calculations to benefit a core agenda. In the Middle East today, those calculations are being adjusted with…

Moving towards the Centre: interview with Rafael Edwards

Rafael Edwards has been working through drawing, painting, modelling, photographing the world and matter from the standpoint of Universal Humanism since childhood. His career can be observed and summarised in: His photos in: I found “Rafa”, as we…

Highly hazardous pesticides should be phased out in developing countries

Tragedy of poisoned school children in India provides another reminder The tragic incident in Bihar, India, where 23 school children died after eating a school meal contaminated with monocrotophos, is an important reminder to speed up the withdrawal of highly…

“One step forward, two steps back for media freedom”

Reporters Without Borders welcomes the action taken by the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) to tighten the guidelines its prosecutors use in investigations involving the news media, but remains concerned about the direction of media freedom in the U.S.…

‘Obama Must Be Taken Before ICC for the War on Terror’ – Chomsky to RT

By Russia Today (RT)* – The US war on terror is in fact the most massive terror campaign ever, and the invasion of Iraq was the worst crime in recent history, prominent liberal thinker Noam Chomsky told RT*, adding that…

5th International Photo Contest “Peace Is” – Children’s Rights.

When you can “talk” 4 languages​​, the next step is to use your … passport! From June 14th and throughout the summer, the best choices of the judges of the contest of 2012, were hosted in Turkey, in Konya, in…

Spanish State: They want us poor, silenced and straight

The governing Popular Party (PP) is on a crusade – not only against fundamental rights such as health, education, housing, work, but also against sexual and reproductive freedoms. The PP wants to impose a model of society, not only at…

Let the Light of Mandela Shine on U.S. Injustice

By Amy Goodman with Denis Moynihan As the world celebrates Nelson Mandela’s 95th birthday, it is timely to reflect on his life, spent fighting for equality for people of color who long suffered under South Africa’s apartheid regime. Mandela was…

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