

West African Humanist Forum Conakry 2013

During three days, from Thursday 19 September to Saturday 21 September 2013, at a Conakry’s Hotel, the 4th Chapter of the WEST AFRICAN HUMANIST FORUM took place with the theme: PEACE AND NONVIOLENCE. This historic rendezvous for humanists in Guinea…

IPCC and Climate Change – but which direction?

Yes, the Earth is warming, and, yes, human activity is cause of part of this. “But the preoccupation with carbon has led to billions being spent on pointless policies to mitigate the perceived problem,” Howard Winn, journalist at the South…

CO2 Reshaping the Planet, Meta-Analysis Confirms

By Stephen Leahy for IPS News. NANTES, France, Sep 27 2013 (IPS) – Greenland will eventually truly become green as most of its massive ice sheet is destined to melt, the authoritative U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reported…

Paque Montecillo at Cochabamba, Bolivia

“I share some pictures of the inauguration of Paque Montecillo (Cochabamba, Bolivia). Many thanks to all the friends who have helped with the tangible and the intangible aspects all these years so this lighthouse may irradiate our best knowledge and this…

Fossil fuels, not only a matter of climate change but also health and premature deaths

The Great Smog [smoke + fog] of ’52 or Big Smoke, was a severe air pollution event that affected London during December 1952 … although it was not thought to be a significant event at the time, with London having…

Dialogue among Civilizations: A Way to Contain Sectarian Strife

Today, political and cultural trends and processes in the Middle East region and the world clearly show that the dialogue among civilizations is not merely a moral recommendation, but a vital necessity. Sectarian strife in addition to ethnic and tribal…

Questions Plague UN Report on Syria

A senior United Nations official who deals directly with Syrian affairs has told Al-Akhbar that the Syrian government had no involvement in the alleged Ghouta chemical weapons attack: “Of course not, he (President Bashar al-Assad) would be committing suicide.” When…

UK drones three times more likely than US to fire in Afghanistan

September 6, 2013 by Alice K Ross  The Bureau of Investigative Journalism Full Report British forces have carried out 299 drone strikes in Afghanistan, defence minister Andrew Robathan announced in Parliament yesterday. This is the first time the British government has announced how…

Americans Say No to Another Middle East War

By Amy Goodman with Denis Moynihan The likelihood of peace in Syria remains distant, as the civil war there rages on. But the grim prospect of a U.S. strike has been forestalled, if only temporarily, preventing a catastrophic deepening of…

Mutual Interests Could Aid U.S.-Iran Détente

By Jasmin Ramsey Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif is slotted to meet with his British counterpart William Hague at the U.N. General Assembly later this month. Credit: UN Photo/Kate Schafer WASHINGTON, Sep 17 2013 (IPS) – In the wake of…

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