

Little vultures and the Occupy crusade that both helps and educates

We have all heard by now of Vulture Funds, those that buy cheaply poor countries’ debt, eg, from the IMF or the World Bank, and then pursue the debtor though international courts to force it to pay back in full.…

China – steady ahead at the Central Committee Third Plenum

Many China watchers are expressing disappointment at the lack of concrete detail in the communique issued following the four-day policy meeting of about 400 top mainland officials. That document resulted in the local Hang Seng Index leading Asian markets into…

Indigenous Elders and Medicine Peoples Council Statement on Fukushima

President Obama meets with Native American tribal leaders November 13, 2013, in advance of his speech Wednesday at the fifth annual Tribal Nations Conference. At the conference a national public safety panel assessing issues on American Indian reservations will release…

Iran – four realities about nuclear talks in Geneva

Geneva negotiations [between Iran and the six world powers over Iran’s nuclear energy program] wrapped up following three days of heavy diplomatic wrangling after the two sides declared their decision to continue negotiations within 10 days. In this interval, to…

Letter: to Her Majesty The Queen about Britain’s tax havens

Her Majesty The Queen Buckingham Palace London SW1A 1AA 5th November 2013 Madam [Your Royal Highness, Ed.], I write as director of the global Tax Justice Network and as former Economic Adviser to the States of Jersey. On 7th November the Tax…

Why France Played wrong tune in nuclear talks?

Interview with Abdolreza Faraji-Rad University Professor of Geopolitics & International Analyst By: Iranian Diplomacy (IRD) Q: Why is France seemingly against a nuclear agreement [between Iran and the world powers] and why is the French government, which used to play…

“Alternative Nobel Prize” Laureates demand immediate release of Greenpeace activists

Laureates of the Right Livelihood Award and members of the World Future Council from more than 30 countries hail Greenpeace protests against Gazprom’s Arctic oil drilling as a “service to humanity” Hamburg/Stockholm – 10 November 2013: Today more than 75…

It’s France’s turn. Again: Who the hell are Standard and Poor!?

A couple of years ago I published an Article in Pressenza about Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs). In the week that Standard and Poor decided to downgrade France it is worth repeating what was said then, because nothing has changed (for…

Is Kenya on the brink of religious war?

I had joined my fellow members of ‘Sitarusha Mawe Tena Peace Campaign’ and several partners in marking the ‘International Day of Peace’ on the 21st September, 2013 when news of the attack at the Westgate Mall came in. We had…

From Einstein to Magritte : Beyond our truths. Symposium of Center of Humanists Studies in Paris and Brussels

Throughout history, humankind has always taken its destiny into their hands determined to discover the secrets of the universe. Today, perhaps more than ever, such sustained effort coincides with rapid global change, causing much disorientation but also opening new horizons.…

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