

Tokyo says nuclear reactors should be restarted raising the question why?

Tokyo says nuclear reactors should be restarted but this raises a question of why. This matter was raised by Dr. Gordon Edwards – co-founder Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility (CCNR) – in a note to Pressenza. It will be recalled by…

Toxic bedfellows. Lessons from Ukraine, Syria, Egypt and oh, so many other places

“The situation in Ukraine is evolving by the hour.  Right wing ultranationalists and their “liberal” collaborators have taken control of the Rada (Ukrainian parliament) and deposed the democratically elected, though utterly corrupt and incompetent, President Yanukovich. Former Prime Minister, and…

Free Trade not so Free after all

By Julio Godoy* | IDN-InDepth NewsAnalysis BARCELONA (IDN) – International negotiations on so-called “free trade agreements” have always had something surreptitious about them. In the late 1990s, the industrialised countries represented at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)…

Refugee protests in Germany (photo documentation)

[media-credit name=”Photo: Yusuf Beyazit” align=”alignnone” width=”300″][/media-credit][media-credit name=”Photo: Yusuf Beyazit, 1st antiracist bathing and playing day at Oranienplatz Berlin” align=”alignnone” width=”300″][/media-credit][media-credit name=”Photo: Yusuf Beyazit, 1st anti-racist bathing and playin day at Oranienplatz Berlin” align=”alignnone” width=”300″][/media-credit][media-credit name=”Photo: Yusuf Beyazit, Refugee Tribunal against…

Non-violent protests of refugees in Germany

Over a year ago, refugees in Germany started organizing themselves in order to protest in a publicly visible form against the human rights violating institutional practices like the forced isolation through the prohibition to leave the district of your asylum-seekers…

New!!! Birth of the German-language PRESSENZA team

In the Park of Studies and Reflexion in Schlamau, the German-language section for PRESSENZA was founded today. PRESSENZA, as an international press agency that is organized exclusively by voluntaries and publishes articles in the topics of peace, non-violence, humanism and…

Mother Language Day

Mother Language Day was born out of the experience of the Bangladeshi’s who took back their language and culture when it was under threat from another country – Pakistan as it happened. Bangla was given second place to Urdu. In…

Troika Becomes the Villain in a Greek Tragedy

ATHENS, Feb 19 2014 (IPS) – A humanitarian crisis is unfolding in Greece and other recession-hit European countries as they undergo harsh austerity measures in exchange for a bailout. At the heart of it is the Troika, say trade unions,…

The urgency of banning nuclear weapons

In the recent conference in Nayarit, Mexico on the Humanitarian Consequences of Nuclear Weapons, ICAN presented a six minute video arguing for the need for a ban on these terrifying weapons. “Nuclear weapons are the most destructive weapon ever invented…

Mexico conference marks turning point towards nuclear weapon ban

(14 February 2014, Nayarit), Nuevo Vallarta, Nayarit, Mexico—The Second International Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons, concluded today with a call from the Mexican hosts for states to launch a diplomatic process to ban nuclear weapons. Over 140…

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