

Australian Myopia

Along with all the economic scaremongering and regressive social agenda that is part and parcel of the current Australian Government comes ‘business’ led solutions for ensuring our financial welfare. The Indonesia Institute, a conservative Perth-based think tank, says carers from…

Sri Lanka: Patriotism without justice is pure bluff

Human beings, however poor or however oppressed, seek justice in the same way. Even a tuberculosis patient looks for fresh air. All wisdom traditions have associated justice as having the same character as fresh air. To deny justice is to…

Is Voting Habit-Forming?

By Linda Gorman.- Economists and political scientists have observed that a citizen who votes today is more likely to vote in the future, but determining whether that is the result of unobserved individual attributes, or the effect of voting per…

Calls for a Ceasefire in the War on Drugs

“The production of opium increased by 102% and cocaine by 20% from 1998 to 2007, despite efforts to destroy crops around the world; in the US close to 500,000 people are in jail for drug offenses, compared with 41,000 in…

Wave of Action – next wave of non-violent protest

From 4th of April to 4th of July, Occupy activists, Indignados and other protest camp people will star a decentralized wave of action – a movement of the movement. The following is written by Jackiews. The modern paradigm may still…

Rewriting history

Published by Critical Thinking on Friday, 28 March 2014 In wars, there are generally two sides and it is commonly understood that history is written by the victors but most people are ignorant of the role of banking dynasties in…

The Rich Complain That We Do Not Love Them

F. Scott Fitzgerald famously said “The rich are different from you or me”, yet in his days, in the early years of the 20th century, the rich were not subject to public scrutiny, and were generally an object of envy,…

Egypt in the Rear Mirror (II): Who Are the Not-So-Invisible Powers Behind the Troglodytes?

If you cannot win them, join them” seems to be the old British political principle that Washington has been applying to its plans to re-design the Arab region, always under the recurrent public pretext of the “war on terrorism.” By…

The Decline of the Middle Class

By Roberto Savio San Salvador, Bahamas, March 2014 — It is now generally accepted that the North-South divide created at the end of the colonial era and the coalition of New Countries against the powerful North of the world ended…

Celebration on The Mountain

This event detailed below from the pen of long time activist and friend of Silo is of particular relevance to Pressenza as an international press agency because this agency was founded by members of the Humanist Movement whose origins are…

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