

First major conference to discuss Unconditional Basic Income at the European Union

Unconditional Basic Income Europe is happy to invite you to its first major conference in Brussels, on April 10th 2014. Press release of Unconditional Basic Income Europe Organisation Politicians and major European organisations working in the fields of health, poverty,…

Ominous Signs of Climate Change, Visible Everywhere… Act Now Before It Is Too Late!

From the tropics to the poles, from small islands to large continents, and from the poorest countries to the wealthiest, the ominous signs of climate change are profoundly visible, said UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, calling for transformative collective action to tackle…

Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand Is at Our Throats

By John Scales Avery* – TRANSCEND Media Service – As everyone knows, Adam Smith invented the theory that individual self-interest is, and ought to be, the main motivating force of human economic activity, and that, in effect, it serves the wider…

Climate Science’s Dire Warning: Humans Are Baking the Planet

The majority of the world is convinced that humans are changing the climate, for the worse. Now, evidence is mounting that paints just how grim a future we are making for ourselves and the planet. We will experience more extreme…

Manifesto: We want to be happy and walk in the favela where we were born

For decades the State has not recognized the favela as an integral part of the city, denying favela residents their basic rights. Today, after three years of public security occupation in Complexo de Alemão, we see that the path to…

Europe, Central Asia Face Nutritional Deficits

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) paints a picture of persistent nutrition problems due to vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and stunted growth in its latest snapshot of the Europe and Central Asia.* On the eve of its biennial…

US Proxy Terror War on Venezuela

By Prof. James Petras – TRANSCEND – Protest, dissent and terrorist wars are obviously very distinct forms of expressing opposition and bringing about change. The Obama-Kerry regime claim that the opposition in Venezuela is a “protest movement” a “peaceful democratic opposition” expressing discontent…

UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women Heads to UK to Investigate Abuse

Domestic and sexual violence, sexual bullying and harassment, forced and early marriages, and female genital mutilation – all these issues and more will be on the docket as the United Nations expert tasked with monitoring violence against women launched her…

Calls for a Ceasefire in the War on Drugs

The production of opium increased by 102% and cocaine by 20% from 1998 to 2007, despite efforts to destroy crops around the world; in the US close to 500,000 people are in jail for drug offenses, compared with 41,000 in…

Vote in local elections reveals a polarised Turkey

There is no doubt that Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has come out stronger from the local elections on Sunday. Similarly there is no doubt that the Kurdish regions confirm they are going their own way, which is not…

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