

Death bell knelling in Iraq

If the fall of the northern Iraqi city of Mosul is currently just a bitter blow to [Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri] Al-Maliki’s government, tomorrow the entire Iraqi nation will have a taste of that bitterness. The fall of Mosul is…

Fifa World Cup: June 12 protests flood the world’s media

Demonstrations, strikes and violence have reached the global media. Attention is turned towards the protests taking place all around Brazil as the World Cup starts. June 12 started out with Galeão airport partially paralysed by demonstrations. In São Paulo, at…

Renaming of Aeroporto La Torre, Comiso

They have all of them reached the airport by now in a swarm of bodyguards. Pietro Grasso, Chairman of the Italian Senate,  a nice stocky typically sicilian man. Orlando, the Minister of Justice, Filippo Spataro, the Mayor of Comiso, bravely…

Why is inequality the big hot issue right now?

TED: Writer Jimmy Guterman takes society’s temperature and digs into the reasons we’re all talking about inequality. Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the 21st Century is a book of our moment. It may be the most unlikely egghead highbrow bestseller since…

Altai Charter: Society, Human and Nature Co-Development within the Framework of the Dialogue of Civilizations

For: World Public Forum, Dialogue of Civilizations. For Pressenza: Iván Novotny We, the participants of the First Altai Forum on Society, Human and Nature Co-Development within the Framework of the Dialogue of Civilizations, united by our common desire to build…

US backing of el-Sissi reminiscent of Mubarak era

With ex-army chief Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi sworn in as Egypt’s president, Washington has promised that it will cooperate with his government. Are US-Egyptian ties returning to the Mubarak-era status quo of military rule? More than three years ago, US President Barack…

A Strange Tale of Morality: Banks, Financial Institutions and Citizens

By Roberto Savio Reprint In this column, Roberto Savio, founder and president emeritus of the Inter Press Service (IPS) news agency and publisher of Other News, argues that it is time to rethink the Seven Deadly Sins in the light…

March for Freedom – Police brutality faced by the refugees on their way to Brussels

Amir, a member of the March for Freedom of the refugees to Brussels, explains what the March is all about and what happened at the 5th of june in Luxemburg. Transcript of a video posted by Luxemburg Wort. What is…

Finally the Comiso Airport will be renamed after Pio La Torre

by Francesca Piatti “I am overwhelmed with emotion on learning that the Airport of Comiso will be given the name of Pio La Torre once again, that of the mafia-killed Union Leader and Italian Parlamentarian, whose strong and brave contribution…

A Common Vision – The Abolition of Militarism

By Mairead Maguire JUNE 6 – In this column, Mairead Maguire, peace activist from Northern Ireland and Nobel Peace Laureate 1976, argues that exactly 100 years after the start of the First World War, now is the time for a…

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