

The Return of George Orwell and Big Brother’s War on Palestine, Ukraine and the Truth

By John Pilger*, TRANSCEND Media Service – The other night, I saw George Orwells’s ’1984′ performed on the London stage. Although crying out for a contemporary interpretation, Orwell’s warning about the future was presented as a period piece: remote, unthreatening, almost reassuring.…

Hong Kong – half million take to streets!

In Hong Kong there was a sit-in following a rally of a half a million citizens on July 1, the anniversary of the handover of the former British colony Hong Kong to China in 1997. China has promised Hong Kong…

Being played like a piano by strategic suicide

Taking sides between two violent factions will not end a conflict. Working for reconciliation is the only way. The Arab Israeli conflict cannot be seen in terms of goodies and baddies; here we have two peoples, deeply traumatized by their…

#AIDGAZA – A Global Humanitarian Campaign

After the heavy bombing of Gaza and protests around the world demanding a stop to the violence that is causing the displacement of hundreds of families and the death of many children, the not-for-profit organization “the youth company” has made…

APC welcomes Human Rights Council resolution on human rights and the internet

The Association for Progressive Communications (APC) welcomes the UN Human Rights Council’s (HRC) resolution on the promotion, protection and enjoyment of human rights on the internet. Adopted by consensus by 82 member states, the resolution affirms that the same rights…

Half the World Is Under 25, and Half of Those Employed Are “Stuck in Low-wage, Dead-end jobs”

Half the world is under 25 years of age – nearly 90 per cent of them in developing countries, according to UN figures. However, half of those employed from the group are either unemployed or in UN secretary general Ban…

Congratulations on 15th anniversary of Roma Virtual Network

Established in 1999, Roma Virtual Network will celebrate 15 years of highly-qualified services in the fields of communication, information and education on 19th July, 2014. Els de Groen, author, poet; former MEP and initiator World Artists Initiative “Khetanes” This is…

Gaza: no place to run

Israel continues its attacks on Palestine ignoring all calls for a ceasefire or cessation of the hostilities and as is usual the missiles of the Jewish state cause massive damage to the Palestine cities while the haphazardly directed rockets of…

Big Media vs. Social Media in the global, non-violent and humanist revolution

This is the synthesis of Pressenza’s workshop at the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum 2014: Whereas Big Media tends to focus on sensationalism, to promote the interests of business over the needs of individuals, to cover minority acts of violence…

Nomads of the Digital Age

The freedom to communicate and to share has entered a new era. The power promised by this freedom, by the Internet, is immense, so much so that it frightens entrenched institutions. Governments, militaries, corporations, banks: They all stand to lose…

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