

Paulo Genovese’s presentation at the Pressenza Workshop of the Global Media Forum

My presentation is focused on Brazil, especially in the protests of June 2013. Millions of people took to the streets in hundreds of cities. It started with 20 cents. This was the amount of the increase in public transport fares…

David Chalmers: How do you explain consciousness?

Right now you have a movie playing inside your head. It’s an amazing multi-track movie. It has 3D vision and surround sound for what you’re seeing and hearing right now, but that’s just the start of it. Your movie has…

HIV research and action in light of tragedy

At least six top AIDS experts were killed in the Malaysia Airlines passenger plane crash. The International AIDS Conference is taking place regardless – DW reviews the key topics being discussed. They were on their way to the 20th annual…

Deadliest day in Gaza crisis

The deadliest violence, so far, of Israel’s offensive claimed the lives of at least 100 Palestinians and 13 Israeli soldiers in Gaza on Sunday. Meanwhile, Hamas says it has kidnapped an Israeli soldier in Gaza City. Most of the casualties…

Extending the Nuclear Deadline: Challenges Ahead

With significant gaps between the position of parties still remaining, despite serious marathon negotiations unfortunately a final deal by July 20th has proved unreachable, thus necessitating the extension of that deadline, as allowed by the provisions of the Geneva ‘Joint…

“Not in our name”

By Meir Margalit, former Elected member of the Jerusalem City Council for the Meretz Party and a founder of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions. More than three thousand Israelis participated in a peaceful demonstration last night demanding an immediately…

The Political Objective and Strategic Goal of Nonviolent Actions

By Robert J. Burrowes*.- All nonviolent struggles are conducted simultaneously in the political and strategic spheres, and these spheres, which are distinct, interact throughout. I have discussed this at length elsewhere: see ‘The Strategy of Nonviolent Defense: A Gandhian Approach’…

Encounters with the Profound: Photographic Exhibition and Books Presentation

London: An Exhibition of Photographs and Words: “…translations of experiences of contact with hidden internal dimensions whose depth cannot be captured by the categories of space-time in which we believe we live. In particular circumstances these experiences become accessible manifesting…

BRICS Build New Architecture for Financial Democracy

By Mario Osava FORTALEZA, Brazil, Jul 16 2014 (IPS) – The BRICS alliance (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) launched the New Development Bank (NDB) and Contingency Reserve Arrangement (CRA) during its sixth summit, institutionalising a new financial architecture…

With Annual $36 Billion, Human Trafficking Ranks as World’s Third Most Profitable Crime

“Not only is human trafficking one of the most grotesque violations of human rights, it is a lucrative crime for perpetrators… With annual profits as high as $36 billion per year, it ranks as the world’s third most profitable crime…

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