

Seven Key Facts about Family Farms that You Should Know But that You Probably Do Not

Human Wrongs Watch Rome, 9 October 2014 — Seven key facts about fans and family farms appear, among other, in the UN Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO) Background paper for The State of Food and Agriculture 2014.   These are: • There are more…

‘Global Economy to Lose $1 Trillion Annually Without Action to Stop Ocean Acidification’

Human Wrongs Watch The global economy could be losing as much as $1 trillion annually by the end of the century if countries do not take urgent steps to stop ocean acidification, says a United Nations report launched on 8 October…

Brazil’s SUPERSIMPLES — a “Simple” Path to Formal Employment

Human Wrongs Watch In Brazil, formal employment has risen by almost 14 per cent in a decade…SUPERSIMPLES is part of the reason. The forthcoming American Regional Meeting of the ILO will consider employment and social protection policies as boosters of…

The Nobel Committee again ignores Nobel’s will

This prize is not a human rights or do-good prize. The two – excellent – people who are awarded the prize for 2014 have done great work for children’s rights but, unfortunately, human rights is not what Alfred Nobel sought…

Two Main Routes of Smuggling of Migrants Generate $7 Billion a Year to Criminal Groups

  Human Wrongs Watch The two main routes of smuggling of migrants to Europe and North America generate nearly $7 billion a year to the smuggling networks, according to an estimate on 6 October 2014 released by the United Nations…

Seven Key Facts about Family Farms that You Should Know But that You Probably Do Not

  Human Wrongs Watch Rome, 9 October 2014 — Seven key facts about fans and family farms appear, among other, in the UN Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO) Background paper for The State of Food and Agriculture 2014.   These are: • There are…

‘Global Economy to Lose $1 Trillion Annually Without Action to Stop Ocean Acidification’

  Human Wrongs Watch The global economy could be losing as much as $1 trillion annually by the end of the century if countries do not take urgent steps to stop ocean acidification, says a United Nations report launched on 8…

Instead of bombing IS (Part A & B)

This two-part article offers a pro-peace perspective on the present war on ISIS in Iraq and Syria.   First some principles to stimulate another discourse, another way of thinking that is not militarist – and then some concrete proposals –…

“Voices from the Slums” to Tell the Hardships of the Urban Poor

  Human Wrongs Watch Urgent action is needed to refocus urban planning and to provide safe, affordable housing that is appropriate and adequate for our citizens’ growing needs, senior United Nations officials on 6 October 2014 said marking World Habitat Day,…

First “Academy on the Green Economy” Kicks off in Turin, Italy

  Human Wrongs Watch Turin, Italy, 6 October 2014 , (ILO)* – More than 120 participants from over 20 countries gather at the ILO International Training Centre for a two-day policy forum and knowledge fair on the green economy. The event…

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