

A World without Violence is possible: October 2nd #nonviolenceday

We interviewed Mariana Uzielli and Pia Argimón about the campaign on October 2 #nonviolenceday launched into the social networks by the initiative “Building nonviolent spaces.” (translation of article in Spanish) 1.-What is the initiative “Building nonviolent spaces” and since when…

Ukraine – Anger in Russia is white hot!

Anger in Russia is white hot against the slaughter of ethnic Russians in Eastern Ukraine. Here is an article from a Russian journalist directed at Germany. The Russian appeal to Germany From Egor Prosvirnin My name is Egor Prosvirnin, I…

Independent international inquiry into the Malaysian jet crash

A Global Call to Action by Civil Society for an Independent International Inquiry into the Malaysian Jet Crash in Ukraine and a Review of its Catastrophic Aftermath Sign the attached Call for an Inquiry into the airplane crash and events…

Syrian Refugee Women Tell Stories about Sexual Exploitation in Lebanon

01 August 2014 – The Syrian refugee woman huddled in the latest room she calls home, a peeling, run-down place outside a north Lebanese village. The mother of six doesn’t know how she’ll pay the rent. She’s gotten by over…

American Unlimited Imperialism: And now Ukraine

Historically, this latest eruption of American militarism at the start of the 21st Century is akin to that of America opening the 20th Century by means of the U.S.-instigated Spanish-American War in 1898. Then the Republican administration of President William…

It’s doable: Peace Israel-Palestine in Hebrew

Translated from the English version by Shani Manor

An Open Letter to My Palestinian Friends

By Robert J. Burrowes*.- As my heart bleeds for those of you suffering in Gaza and elsewhere in Palestine, I want to add my voice to those who are encouraging you to consider revising your strategy of resistance to Israeli…

Noam Chomsky on Media’s “Shameful Moment” in Gaza & How a U.S. Shift Could End the Occupation

As a new 72-hour ceasefire takes hold in Gaza, we turn to part two of our interview with world-renowned dissident and linguist, MIT Professor Noam Chomsky. Criticizing U.S. media coverage of the Israeli assault on Gaza, Chomsky says: “It’s a…

It’s great being a humanist

We were on the train going to Berlin – Antonia, Djamila, Catherine, Sonja and myself – from somewhere near a little town by Weisenburg, the nearest populated place by our Schlamau Park of Study and Reflection. Five of us, returning…

Will RAPA institutionalize a “new” Cold War?

 “The Russian Aggression Prevention Act” (RAPA) was introduced May 1, 2014 and is in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The 26 co-sponsors are all Republicans (from 23 states). Passage seems impossible before January 2015. Media coverage has been thin and…

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