

NO to subversive eletist TTIP

Tomorrow there are 610 events planned across the UK, from Wells to Aberdeen, central London to Orkney, Northern Ireland to Cornwall. 9,305 members of 38 Degrees are turning out to sound the alarm about TTIP – the Transatlantic Trade and Investment…

International Day against Nuclear Tests

Today (29 Aug) is the International Day against Nuclear Testing, a UN-initiated day to work against nuclear testing and to commemorate those whose lives have been damaged over the years by the nuclear tests carried out by the US, Russia,…

UN Climate Summit 2014 — Change Is In The Air!

New York, 27 August 2014 — Climate change is not a far-off problem. It is happening now and is having very real consequences on people’s lives. Climate change is disrupting national economies, costing us dearly today and even more tomorrow.…

WHO issues “roadmap” to scale up international response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa

GINEBRA, Suiza, 28 de agosto 2014 Organización Prensa / Africana (APO) / – La Organización Mundial de la Salud publica hoy una “hoja de ruta” para orientar y coordinar la respuesta internacional al brote de la enfermedad del virus del…

“Security Arc” forms amidst Middle East terror

“Many observers are correct in noting that the Middle East is undergoing yet another seismic shift – that the Russian-brokered destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal, a US-Iranian rapprochement, the diminished strategic value of Saudi Arabia and Israel, and a…

Desperate struggle against starvation in South Sudan

By Mike Pflanz*, (UNICEF) – As a food crisis threatens millions in conflict-stricken South Sudan, families are eating whatever they can to survive. Without more urgent international help, many will likely die of starvation.* KIECH KUON, South Sudan, 25 August 2014 –…

U.S., Ukraine: Russian Forces Stage Cross-Border Attacks

The U.S. and Ukrainian governments are accusing Russia of launching a new cross-border operation to back separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine. On Wednesday, officials in Washington and Kiev said Russian forces had moved across the border for the third time this…

Fathers of ISIS

Ziad Majed writes on the blog Tarir-ICN that “…the organization abbreviated as ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) is not new in the region, nor is it a newfound expression of the crises afflicting Arab societies at a moment…

Nisteling: The art of deep listening

The word ‘listening’ has many meanings and the context in which it is done will often determine the level of concentration that is required for one to be considered to be listening. Many people work while listening to music playing…

VULTURE FUNDS: The Central Bank revokes BoNY authorization to operate in Argentina

According to Telam, The Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (BCRA) revoked BoNY (Bank of New York Mellon) authorization to operate in Argentina, based on the fact that payment to the restructured bondholders was not carried out, said the Cabinet…

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