

Violence against Children Is Universal, Deeply Ingrained in Societies, Often Accepted as the Norm

Human Wrongs Watch Violence against children is universal – so prevalent and deeply ingrained in societies it is often unseen and accepted as the norm – according to new, unprecedented data presented by the United Nations on 4 September 2014.…

Islamic State builds a government in NE Syria

In an article titled: “In northeast Syria, Islamic State builds a government”, by Mariam Karouny writing for Reuters September 4, 2014, she reports, “In the cities and towns across the desert plains of northeast Syria, the ultra-hardline al Qaeda offshoot…

The Truth about the Islamic State

Human Wrongs Watch By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar*, September 2014, TRANSCEND Media Service — The Islamic State (IS) has been roundly condemned by everyone. It deserves to be. It deserves to be condemned because of its barbaric brutality and its harsh cruelty. It deserves…

Do You Have the Courage to Ban Nuclear Weapons?

Human Wrongs Watch By International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN)*, September, 2014 — From the 6-7 December 2014, ICAN will host a Civil Society Forum in Vienna on the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons. Despite the compelling call of the humanitarian initiative, nuclear weapons…

“ISIS atrocities and US imperialism”

Human Wrongs Watch By Patrick Martin, WSWS*, 4 September 2014 — The savage murder of US journalist Steven Sotloff has provoked justifiable anger and revulsion among millions of people around the world. It is necessary, however, not only to sympathize with Sotloff and…

Obama Will Convene a Summit to Focus on “Growing and Dangerous Phenomenon” of “Foreign Terrorist Fighters”

Human Wrongs Watch 3 September 2014 – During its tenure as President of the United Nations Security Council, the United States will convene a summit meeting on September 25 to focus international attention to the “growing and dangerous phenomenon” of…

​’20 years needed to rebuild homes in Gaza because of Israeli restrictions’

Human Wrongs Watch By Russia Today (RT)*, 3 September 2014 — It will take 20 years to rebuild only houses in Gaza, not schools, not hospitals, not other civilian infrastructure, which has been damaged during Israeli operations, Ruth Allan of the Norwegian Refugee…

Anti-Israel feeling tips the reporting balance for what appear to be bogus claims

The Israeli Government is in need of some “winning” electoral coup after a useless and heartless war with an equally heartless Hamas (that has managed to turn Gaza’s disaster, at least for some of its inhabitants, into some kind of…

UN Secretary General “Alarmed” at Israel’s Announced Seizure of West Bank Land

Human Wrongs Watch United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on 1 September 2014 voiced his alarm at the announcement by Israeli authorities to declare nearly 1,000 acres of land in Bethlehem as so-called “state land.” “The seizure of such a large swathe of…

The Fall of the US Empire-And Then What?

Human Wrongs Watch By Johan Galtung*, 1 Sep 2014 – TRANSCEND Media Service — Is the title of a book published by TRANSCEND University Press in 2009, now in second printing, and several translations including Chinese. There were two subtitles indicating answers: Successors, Regionalization or…

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