

Internet Slowdown Day: Leading Web Companies Fight for ‘Net Neutrality’

  Human Wrongs Watch By RT*, 19 September 2014 — Reddit, Netflix, Foursquare, Mozilla, Vimeo, and WordPress are backing the ‘Internet Slowdown’ protest against proposed US regulations that would segregate internet surfing speeds and kill “net neutrality.”   The September 10 protest features a…

‘We Are Running Out of Time’, Experts Warn as Climate Change Debate Heats Up

   Human Wrongs Watch The United Nations weather agency on 9 September 2014 voiced concerns over the surge of carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere, which has reached a new record high in 2013, amid worrying sings that oceans and…

UN Urges Prosecution to End Impunity for Drug Trafficking on High Seas

Human Wrongs Watch 9 September 2014 – The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) hosted a special event on the rise of narcotics trafficking on maritime southern routes, particularly the Indian Ocean, advocating that drug traffickers caught in…

‘Germany unhappy with the way NATO summit has gone over Russia and Ukraine’

Human Wrongs Watch By Russia Today* (RT), 9 September 2014 – Germany does not want to see its money going into something that is going to be misused from its point of view, defense analyst Dr. Binoy Kampmark told RT.   The country is…

Washington Piles Lie Upon Lie

  Human Wrongs Watch By Paul Craig Roberts*, 8 September 2014, TRANSCEND Media Service — The latest Washington lie, this one coming from NATO, is that Russia has invaded Ukraine with 1,000 troops and self-propelled artillery. How do we know that this is…

Over 100 Million People Still Unemployed in the G20 Economies, With 447 Million ‘Working Poor’ living on Less Than $2 a Day

Human Wrongs Watch Melbourne, 9 September 2014 – A large and persistent shortfall in the number and quality of the jobs being created in G20 countries is affecting prospects for re-igniting economic growth, according to a report entitled G20 labour markets:…

Overall Energy Consumption for Lighting Will Have Grown by 60 to 70% by 2030 with dramatic consequences for climate change

  Human Wrongs Watch Lighting from electricity accounts for approximately 15 to 19 per cent of global energy consumption and over five per cent of worldwide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, UNEP reports in relation to the Climate Change Summit 2014 scheduled to…

Indiscriminate, Brutal Killings Children in Conflict

Human Wrongs Watch  The multiplication of crises affecting children since the beginning of 2014 is creating unprecedented challenges that overshadow progress to date to protect them from the impact of war, a senior United Nations official told the Security Council…

No ‘Back to School’ for 30 Millions of Children Affected by Conflict, Crisis – UN

  Human Wrongs Watch Almost 30 million children are out of school in emergency or conflict affected countries following the targeting of schools and the displacement of millions of children forced from their homes and studies, the United Nations Children’s…

One in Four Young People –175 Million Adolescents– Unable to Read a Single Sentence

Human Wrongs Watch With one in four young people – 175 million adolescents – unable to read a single sentence, International Literacy Day is an opportunity to remember one simple truth: literacy not only changes lives, it saves them, said…

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