

‘Clock Is Ticking’ for War-Ravaged Gaza; Promises on Rebuilding Must ‘Quickly Materialize’

  Human Wrongs Watch On the heels of last week’s visit to Gaza, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on 21 October 2014 told the Security Council today that promises made at a recent donor conference on rebuilding the war-ravaged enclave…

Notes about the ‘look’ of Pressenza

Peace is the absence of war, it is coexistence without conflict, but we can’t just limit nonviolence to the absence of violence.  Even if it is an end that we want to achieve, nonviolence is, above all, a resistance to…

Hong Kong: seventeen years and nothing…

Things are not looking too bright in Hong Kong. The press is releasing news of ‘sources’ saying the main figures of the Occupy Central campaign are to be arrested. These include the three Occupy Central proponents Benny Tai Yiu-ting, Chan…

UK – Creating Real, Voter-Driven Recall

Please excuse the non-personal nature of this email but I have had many people contact me on this. You may have already had a reply from me saying I was reviewing the amendments and discussing the Bill with colleagues and…

Understanding and Defeating Resurgent Fascism

As fascism is being intruded more widely and deeply into key areas of world politics, it is important to identify this trend, to explain the psychology of fascism and to nominate key elements of any strategy to defeat it. By…

When the last tree was cut down

Easter Island was a closed system for 1400 years according to scholars specialising in the history of the place.  It was populated by Polynesians coming from the West who arrived on canoes with a stock of plants and animals that…

Facts and Figures on Inequality

  Human Wrongs Watch By OXFAM* –– The widening gap between the richest and poorest is damaging economies and pushing more people into poverty. Too many still toil in extreme poverty. On the other extreme, wealth is increasingly concentrated in the hands of…

When Medicines Do Not Work Anymore

Human Wrongs Watch By Martin Khor*, Geneva, October 2014 — The growing crisis of antibiotic resistance is catching the attention of policy makers, but not at a rate enough to tackle it. More diseases are affected by resistance, meaning the bacteria cannot…

Blowin’ in the Wind

  Human Wrongs Watch By Sven Teske*, 21 October, 2014 (Greenpeace) – Wind power has a pivotal role to play in the world’s energy supply over the next few years. By providing huge amounts of clean, affordable power, it can buy us time in the…

One- or two-state solution? The answer is both (or neither) by Noam Sheizaf The two-state solution is not a progressive cause and neither is a single-state solution — they are just possible means to an end. The only possible goal for progressive politics in Israel/Palestine can be full human,…

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