

A Quarter of World’s Population Lives in Urban Slums

Human Wrongs Watch With a quarter of the world’s population living in urban slums, a sustainable response to improving the living conditions of the urban poor is becoming increasingly necessary, the United Nations agency tasked with promoting environmentally and socially…

“It’s the Devil’s Excrement” – Where Fossil Fuels Lurk, Corruption Creeps

Human Wrongs Watch By Marina Lou* – 29 September, 2014, Greenpeace – When it comes to resource extraction and the political process — the issue is a global one. Have a look at some of the recent coal-ruption stories that have been breaking all around the…

Less Chemicls, More Agro-ecology, Climate-smart Agriculture, Bio-technology and GMO to Feed Nine Billion People

Human Wrongs Watch Rome — In order to move towards more sustainable agriculture, a broader approach is needed to overhaul the world’s food system, the head of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on 29 September 2014  said,…

Hong Kong Oct 1 Occupy Central Protest

[media-credit name=”Foto Steven Knipp” align=”alignnone” width=”600″][/media-credit] Foto Steven Knipp Foto Steven Knipp Foto Steven Knipp Foto Steven Knipp [media-credit name=”Foto Steven Knipp” align=”alignleft” width=”600″][/media-credit]               [media-credit name=”Foto Steven Knipp” align=”alignleft” width=”600″][/media-credit]      …

HONG KONG: witnessing a ‘new form of protest’

As protests in Hong Kong continue, there are growing fears of a crackdown. But the use of force would not work as it would ruin people’s trust in good governance, human rights lawyer Basil Fernando tells DW.  Despite fear of…

Nobel Laureates cancel summit as South Africa refuses visa for Dalai Lama

Nobel Laureates have been meeting annually since 1997, gathering those who have been awarded the Nobel Foundation’s most prestigious award to discuss current issues of social conflict and the way to advance in global peace.  As an initiative of the…

Israeli airline criticized over Orthodox Jews ‘bullying’ women passengers

  Human Wrongs Watch By Russia Today (RT)*, 1 October 2014 — Israel’s national airline El Al has been petitioned to “stop the bullying, intimidation and discrimination against women” on its flights by ultra-Orthodox Jews who refuse to be seated next to women…

Five Garbage Patches Occupy 15, 915, 933 Square Kilometers of Ocean

Human Wrongs Watch The steady build-up of garbage in the world’s oceans is a “tremendous challenge” and a growing threat to the planet’s marine ecosystems with the potential for “significant socio-economic consequences,” the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) on 1 October 2014…

Nearly Half the World’s Older Persons Lack Pensions

  Human Wrongs Watch 52 per cent of older persons receive a pension, but levels are inadequate and the trend has been worsened by fiscal consolidation, ILO report says. Geneva (ILO)* – Nearly half – 48 per cent – of all people over…

Nonviolence: “mightier than the mightiest weapon”

Every year since 2007, on 2 October, the United Nations observes the International Day of Nonviolence. The date was chosen because Mahatma Gandhi, one of the first and main symbols of non-violent protest and change, was born on this day.…

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