

BRICS: China Steps In as World’s New Bank

by William Pesek – Bloomberg View, via Transcend Media Service Thanks to China, Christine Lagarde of the International Monetary Fund, Jim Yong Kim of the World Bank and Takehiko Nakao of the Asian Development Bank may no longer have much…

Thumbs down to Profs. plea to accept Nuclear Power

Hitting the news on both pro-environmental cleanliness and anti-nuclear power media channels was an appeal by no-less than seventy-five professors of various persuasions that pleaded with the ‘Greens’ to accept nuclear power. In the end it was concluded that nuclear…

7 Greenpeace victories you made possible in 2014

Human Wrongs Watch By Greenpeace USA*, 27 December, 2014 — It’s been a great year for Greenpeace and our supporters. Getting toxic chemicals out of our clothes. Putting sustainable seafood in our grocery stores. Giant internet companies breaking away from climate-denying lobbyists.…

Nepal: Society Without Conflict or Violence

In Nepal, core members of the universalist humanism movement have established a new team, choosing the capital city of Kathmandu as the place to launch initial activities. The first meeting took place 25 December, 2014, at the grounds of KNK…

Beware the wounded bear

NATO’s nostalgia for the Cold War is showing. Ah, the predictability of the enemy, the romanticised spying games, the Orwellian balance of power… There seems to be a strong desire to bring it all back. According to Dennis Kucinich – Truthdig…

Filipino farmers share ‘Seeds of Hope’

Filipino Farmers Share ‘Seeds of Hope’ Human Wrongs Watch By Wilhelmina Pelegrina*, 19 December 2014 — Ecological farmers in the Philippines have pooled their expertise and resources and travelled close to 600 km (370 miles) to help farmers in Dolores, Eastern Samar, get…

Mr. Ban Has a Dream: that the World Eradicates Poverty, Protects the Planet and Ensures Dignity for All

Human Wrongs Watch UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon marked Human Solidarity Day on 20 December 2014 by calling for joint action to craft and take forward a new, inclusive development agenda that eradicates poverty, protects the planet and ensures dignity for…

Jammu & Kashmir 2014 elections a turning point

Medhaj News Exclusive: BJP plus Sajjad Lone to form the next J&K Government The final and fifth phase of elections in Jammu & Kashmir concluded on 20th December with voting on 20 seats which fall in the Jammu region. After…

Private firms on course to net £9bn of NHS contracts

According to the NHS [the British National Health Service] Support Federation “NHS changes continue to bear gifts for the private sector Since April 2013, £5 billion worth of NHS contracts have been awarded through the market. 67% of these clinical…

New York Says No to Fracking: State Bans Drilling Following Grassroots Outcry over Public Health

New York has become the first state in the nation with major natural gas deposits to ban the oil and gas extraction process of hydraulic fracturing, known as fracking, citing potential risks to public health. Fracking involves blasting sand, water…

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