

A call to the people: nonviolence is the only way out!

After the recent and sad events in Paris, Convergence of Cultures would once again like to make a call to the world’s population to protect human values beyond all differences. This is a call to preserve and strengthen what has…

Nigeria’s horror in Paris’s shadow

Why a 10-year-old suicide bomber isn’t front-page news “I got this on one of the BBC’s international broadcasts, almost as a footnote. In the same week as the Charlie Hebdo massacre, some 3000 people were massacred in Northern Nigeria by…

Silo’s Messengers high in the mountains

In our Park of Study and Reflection, Punta de Vacas, we conducted yet again a Messengers meeting, from January 2nd to the 4th, with workshops held on the 5th and on the 6th Silo’s birthday was celebrated. The days were…

Palestine’s accession to the Rome Statute and other international instruments

By Nicolas Boeglin (*) Last January 6th, the United Nations Secretary General issued a note indicating that the Rome Statute, the treaty that establishes the International Criminal Court (ICC), will enter into force in relation to the State of Palestine…

War in Middle East, Africa, Further Uprooted 5.5 Million People in First Six Months of 2014

Human Wrongs Watch Geneva, 7 January 2015 – The UN refugee agency UNHCR on 6 January 2015 reported* that war in the Middle East, Africa and elsewhere had uprooted an estimated 5.5 million people during the first six months of…

Gathering of educators convenes to discuss “Intentional Learning” in Mendoza

The Universal Humanist Current of Pedagogy (COPEHU using its initials in Spanish) will hold their third “International Gathering towards Humanising Education” in the Park of Study and Reflection, Punta de Vacas (Mendoza, Argentina) from the 9th to the 11th of…

Open letter to Modi and Obama from democratic, concerned citizens of India and the USA

We, as concerned and democratic citizens of India, and the US, welcome the coming together of two of the largest democracies of the world to work together to protect the rights of their citizens and their biodiversity. Both nations were…

#JeSuisCharlie in #NYC

Despite freezing cold weather (-11C/12F) people rallied in NYC at Union Square to stand in solidarity with the victims of the terror attack against the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris on Wednesday morning.            …

The Trans-Pacific Trade (TPP) Agreement Must Be Defeated

by US Sen. Bernie Sanders – Reader Supported News Via Transcend Media Service 03 January 15 – The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a disastrous trade agreement designed to protect the interests of the largest multi-national corporations at the expense of workers,…

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