

The Crime Congress

Human Wrongs Watch 2 April 2015 – Every five years policy-makers and practitioners working in crime prevention and criminal justice gather for the United Nations Crime Congress to help shape the agenda and standards of the UN in this area.*…

“Shell’s profit comes at our expense”

Human Wrongs Watch By Isadora Wronski* 2 April 2015 (Greenpeace) — Climate science has made it clear that Arctic oil needs to stay in the ground if we want to avoid the worst impacts from global climate change. We know it…

Iran, the Deal, and why it’s good for all

Background: All nuclear weapons require a primary nuclear explosive. There are only two materials that are used for that purpose: either Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) or plutonium of any kind (except plutonium-238). Highly Enriched Uranium Highly Enriched Uranium refers to…

AIIB – China’s new bank garnering wide support

The “AIIB” is the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, a new multilateral development bank as proposed by Xi Jinping in a speech to the Indonesian parliament in October 2013. The concept as expressed then was: “to support the process of interconnection…

International Criminal Court Welcomes Palestine as State Party to Rome Statute

Human Wrongs Watch 1 April 2015 – The International Criminal Court (ICC) welcomed the Palestine as the 123rd State Party to its founding Rome Statute today, in a ceremony held at the seat of the Court in The Hague in…

Remove US military bases from Latin America – UNASUR chief

Latin American countries should discuss removing all US military bases from their soil, a top official of integration organization UNASUR suggested. The issue may be discussed next month at the upcoming Summit of the Americas in Panama. The Summit of…

World body of parliaments highlights cyberwar and nuclear risks

By Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament. The Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU), the world body of over 160 parliaments, today adopted a resolution Cyber warfare: A serious threat to peace and global security, following a year of consultations by the…

Children Killed and Injured by Land-mines, Unexploded Ordnance in Eastern Ukraine

Human Wrongs Watch KYIV/GENEVA — At least 109 children are reported to have been injured and 42 killed by land mines and unexploded ordnance in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of eastern Ukraine since March last year, UNICEF on 31 March…

Opening Message for the Day of Discussions on the Peace process in Colombia at Hudson Valley Park of Study and Reflections.

March 28, 2015 – First, let me thank you for being here and for traveling to this beautiful part of New York State. We are here at the Hudson Valley Park of Study and Reflection between Kingston and New Paltz.…

Lee Kuan Yew, dynamic politician and elder statesman

This year I will be 31—the same age as Singapore’s first prime minister Lee Kuan Yew when he started the People’s Action Party in 1954. From a Facebook post My generation may not fully agree with his politics, even as…

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