

Pentagon game to divide Iranians and Arabs

Sharmine Narwani says: “If you want to understand what’s going on in the Middle East today, go back to see what the US Military was doing 4 years ago, as the ‘Arab Spring’ kicked off, and US-backed dictators were falling…

‘Huge paradigm shift’: Biggest cancer breakthrough in 40 years sees tumors disappear

Terminally ill cancer patients have seen miracle reversals, with some tumors completely disappearing, thanks to new drugs, which follow trials with “spectacular” results. Doctors now promise to save tens of thousands of lives. The test results, announced on Sunday at…

Obama Administration Sabotages Nuclear Nonproliferation Conference

By Joseph Gerson, Truthout | Op-Ed – “Copyright, Reprinted with permission” I mean you must take living so seriously that, even when you are seventy, you must plant olive trees, not because you think they will be left to…

Did we almost lose New York?

For the third time in a decade, a major fire/explosion has ripped apart a transformer at the Indian Point reactor complex. by Harvey Wasserman* reposted with permission from EcoWatch News reports have taken great care to emphasize that the accident happened…

New UK energy policy needed as nuclear giants take a hit

Plans for a worldwide fleet of huge new nuclear reactors have collapsed, with the cancellation of a major project and no new orders being placed. By Paul Brown The European nuclear industry, led by France, seems to be in terminal…

Women and Biodiversity Feed the World, Not Corporations and GMOs

By Prof. Vandana Shiva* 28 May 2015 – TRANSCEND Media Service — Biodiverse ecological agriculture in women’s hands is a solution not just to the malnutrition crisis, but also the climate crisis. The two great ecological challenges of our times are…

Park of study and reflection inaugurated in Hungary

On the 22nd and 23rd of May 2015 more than 500 people gathered from all over the world to witness the official inauguration of the gate, hall and stele of Mikebuda Park of Study and Reflection in Hungary.  The small…

Korea – call for a Political Peace Conference

“On May 19th, after traveling thousands of miles to reach North Korea, our international group of women arrived in Pyongyang in preparation for our walk on Sunday across the Demilitarized Zone into South Korea. This group is passionate and diverse,…

NPT Review Conference – Giving them short shrift

Eighty percent of the United Nations membership is trying to be heard. The 2015 NPT Review Conference did not heed their call. Nine nations have developed nuclear weapons, 16,000 warheads all told. It would be naive to believe nothing could ever go…

Orange Day 2015: UNiTE to End Violence against Women

This 25 May, we wear orange and shed light on the power of Internet and mobile technology, as part of the UNiTE campaign to End Violence against Women and girls, says UN Women. The UN Secretary-General’s UNiTE to End Violence…

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