

Dispensing with Democracy

By Danny Katch  – ANCIENT GREECE is said to have introduced democracy to the world some 2,500 years ago. Now the world is trying to show modern Greece that it’s been wrong all along. Last January, when the Greeks elected…

IPPNW Statement on the Nuclear Agreement with Iran

The agreement on Iran’s nuclear programs announced today by Iran and the United States is welcome news for a number of reasons. The terms of the deal, negotiated over a 20-month period by diplomats from Iran and six other States,…

Key points of historic nuclear deal reached by Iran and 6 world powers

Iran and six leading world powers signed a comprehensive plan for ending international sanctions against Iran in exchange for putting restrictions on its controversial nuclear program. RT takes a look at the final document. The deal signed in Vienna on…

Austria: Refugees speak up for their rights

This article from reports on a protest in the Austrian town of Traiskirchen in support of migrants at the town’s refugee camp.  It has been written by one of the protest organisers and edited by Pressenza for publication. On…

20 years of Budapest Pride

The police were out in force yesterday in the centre of Budapest to ensure that the annual pride march took place without anyone being violently attacked.  The theme this year was acceptance and equal rights because Hungary is a few…

The humanitarian miracle in Hungary’s train stations

Migration to Europe is a phenomenon increasingly in the news: boats are capsizing in the Mediterranean, migrants have brought the Channel Tunnel to a halt, walls are being proposed to divide nations, and essentially Europe is unable to give a…

Climate Change versus the Dangers of Nuclear War

“By casually juxtaposing climate change and nuclear war, the BAS scientists and Nobel Science Laureates are essentially “comparing apples and oranges”. There is a fundamental misunderstanding regarding the nature of  causality, which serves to distract public opinion from the imminent…

TTIP, BDS and the illegal settlements

Not much has been said about the way the TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between the US and the EU) will affect BDS (Boycott, Divest and Sanction) campaign against Israel. In fact when Obama signed the Trade Promotion Authority…

#Greferendum: Thank you people of Greece!

The people of Greece say NO to the troika’s proposals in the referendum. The democratic system and the hope in the future of Europe emerge strengthened.

Greek Referendum: the possibility to stop being slaves

Foreign debt is the mechanism used to enslave countries and steal their wealth, through some local “supervisors”, let’s call them governors. In reality, with little energy spent buying, removing and putting in place supervisors, they have controlled the population of…

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