

NATO wars: the real target is Europe

The same facts, a different narrative The belt of civil wars festering on Europe’s borders is not accidental but has been intentionally built since the fall of the Berlin Wall. The unilateral dismantling of the bi polar world which prevailed…

New York Says Welcome to Syrian Refugees

  #NYCsaysWelcome In solidarity with refugees trying to reach Europe, we call upon the European Union member states to open their borders unconditionally for asylum seekers, to allow free movement for refugees within the European Union to reach the country…

Europeans hold rallies in support of refugees

Tens of thousands of pro-refugee demonstrators hold rallies across Europe to show their solidarity with asylum seekers escaping war and execution, mainly caused by foreign-backed militancy, in the Middle East and North Africa. The Europe-wide ‘Day of Action’ on Saturday includes dozens of…

9/11 fourteen years later

Millions of refugees from Washington’s wars are currently over-running Europe. Washington’s 14-year and ongoing slaughter of Muslims and destruction of their countries are war crimes for which the US government’s official 9/11 conspiracy theory was the catalyst. Factual evidence and…

‘A Culture of Peace’

Mr. Chairman, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Let me start by thanking H.E. Sam Kutesa, President of the General Assembly for convening this meeting on the topic of ‘A Culture of Peace’. I believe the issue at hand today is of…

Fracking Fallout: New Analysis Reveals Over 100 Million Gallons of Toxic Wastewater Spilled Since 2009

Associated Press investigation finds more than 180 million gallons of fracking byproduct spilled from 2009 to 2014, tainting agricultural land, poisoning drinking water, and sparking the mass die-off of plant and animal life. by Lauren McCauley, staff writer for Common…

NATO must be consigned to the rubbish heap of history

During the weekend conference on NATO and Russia in the Baltic Area organised by the No to War, No to NATO campaign, Reiner Brown, co-President of the International Peace Bureau participated in a panel meeting on the subject of Common…

“European Union hypocrisy must end”

The international humanist organisation World without Wars and Violence has issued this statement in regard to the refugee crisis currently affecting Europe. STATEMENT FOR THE MIGRANTS AND REFUGEES ISSUE IN E.U. World without Wars and Violence, World Coordination Team. September…

“NATO is not the solution for security in the Baltic”

This weekend in a conference in Helsinki, Finland organised by the “No to war, no to NATO” campaign and hosted by peace and anti-war organisations from Sweden and Finland, a string of experts, diplomats and peace campaigners echoed the sentiment…

Think about all the Syrian refugees and think what makes you British?

Tat Wa Lay Facebook It’s 1984 and my mother arrives in the UK with 89 other Vietnamese refugees known as the “boat people”. With just the cloths on her back and her four children, she’s confronted with the local people…

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