

The Climate Talks in Paris will Fail: Why?

  As expectations build for a global consensus to emerge from the United Nations climate conference in Paris, starting on 30 November 2015, that could agree to taking action to limit any rise in global temperature to 2 degrees celsius,…

Violence is a tragedy, but getting distracted by it from the road of Active Nonviolence is a double tragedy.

The voices of peace and the voices of war all have something to say about Paris. “Every time there’s a terrorist attack, Western leaders exploit that attack to do more wars,” Greenwald says. “Which in turn means they transfer huge…

Ending the Era of Wars

Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace Laureate – TRANSCEND Media Service 15th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates – Barcelona, 13-15 November 2015 I would like to thank the Major of Barcelona, Ada Colau I Ballano, the Permanent Secretariat of the World…

Military intervention is the problem, not the solution

The Islamic State’s latest atrocities are a calculated effort to bring the war in Syria home to the countries participating in it. by Peter Certo for Common Dreams A café. A stadium. A concert hall. One of the most horrifying…

Okinawa delegation in USA challenging Henoko military base construction

A 26 person delegation from the All Okinawa Council will be in Washington, DC November 19 and 20 to ask members of the U.S. Congress to use their power to stop the construction of a runway for the U.S. Marine…

الرد الإنساني ضد العنف

Arabic text of the campaign through social networks calling for peace and nonviolence: بعد الإعتداءات الإرهابية التي عانتها مدينة باريس الليلة السابقة وَأمام التدابير التي تعتزم أخذها حكومة فرنسا و الحكومات الأوربية و حكومات الحلف الأطلسي،نُشرت اليوم رسالة في جميع…

Paris under attack: the sad events detailed

One of the biggest terrorist attacks: Assassins murder 126 people in Paris, more than 200 injured The attacks that cost the lives on Friday evening of dozens of people in Paris are being reported by French news servers with the…

Campanje: Oproep tot Vrede en geweldloosheid in de sociale netwerken

Dutch version of Campaign through social networks calling for peace and nonviolence Op de sociale netwerken begon vandaag een bericht te circuleren dat oproept tot een houding van Vrede en geweldloosheid als reactie op de aanslagen die gisteravond plaats vonden…

Közösségimédia-kampány a békéért és az erőszakmentességért

Hungarian version of Campaign through social networks calling for peace and nonviolence Ma útjára indítunk egy üzenetet a közösségi hálózatokon keresztül, amelyben arra hívunk mindenkit, hogy békés és erőszakmentes választ adjon a tegnap esti párizsi támadásokat követően, azokat az intézkedéseket…

Призыв за мир и ненасилие в социальных сетях

Russian version of Campaign through social networks calling for peace and nonviolence Сегодня распространился по социальным сетям сообщения с призывом к населению ответить ненасильственным образом на ситуацию, возникшую после вчерашних терактов в Париже, и на меры, приняты правительствами Европейского союза…

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