

Jeremy Corbyn is not Marty McFly (but the Ayes have it)

The UK Parliament debates bombing Syria. The debate in the House of Commons is raging as we speak. Up to 20 % of Tory MPs may rebel against UK Prime Minister Cameron and vote against bombing Syria, whilst Labour has…

Insults instead of a clear strategy. Prime Minister Cameron v Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn

Not having managed to make a clear case for bombing Syria the UK Prime Minister resorts to insulting the leader of the opposition and others proposing a different strategy to defeat Isil by calling them “terrorist sympathisers” ahead of tomorrow’s…

The Climate-Nuclear Nexus

Taking advantage of the COPS Climate change conference in Paris, the World Future Council published an important new resource “The Climate-Nuclear Nexus” (PDF format). Jurgen Sheffran, is the report’s lead author along with John Burroughs, Anna Leidreiter, Rob Van Riet…

COP21: handing the mike over to CO2 skeptics

It is always of benefit universally when people meet face-to-face, whether individual problems or international problems can better be resolved. Thus, COP21 is worth holding as an event but why are nation’s top people there, the presidents etc? Why not…

UN Secretary-General’s speech to COP21 Leaders Summit

Paris, 30 November 2015 Your Excellency Mr. François Hollande, President of France, Distinguished Heads of State and Government, Your Excellency Mr. Laurent Fabius, President of COP21, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, You are here today to write the script for a…

Rallies around the world, human chain in Paris against Climate Change

Paris, Nov 29 (Prensa Latina) While thousands of people demonstrated over this weekend in the world demanding effective actions against climate change, people joined their arms to form a human chain of about three kilometers in this capital city. A…

‘Don’t Bomb Syria’: Protests across the UK as Syria vote looms

by Common Dreams staff Thousands of people protested in London and around Britain Saturday against Britain joining in bombing attacks on ISIS in Syria. The UK Parliament will vote next week on whether to join with the US and France…

Defeating Terrorism – Theirs and Ours

Defeating Terrorism – Theirs and Ours By NicolasDavies – From: “…at the very moment the number one nation has perfected the science of killing, it has become an impractical instrument of political domination.” – Richard Barnet, Roots of…

Turkmens: an ethnic group at the center of the Syrian conflict

As tensions rise between Ankara and Moscow, attention has shifted to an obscure ethnic group in the Middle East: the Turkmens of Syria. But who are the Turkmens and how do they fit into the ongoing war in the region?…

Jeremy Corbyn refuses to support bombing Syria

In a letter to the Parliamentary Labour Party its Leader Jeremy Corbyn says: “The Prime Minister made a Statement to the House today making the case for a UK bombing campaign against ISIS in Syria. A copy of my response…

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