

1915-2015. How Einstein changed the way we understand the world 100 years ago

Clocks run faster the higher you go. This is called gravitational time dilation. Orbits precess in a way unexpected in Newton’s theory of gravity. (This has been observed in the orbit of Mercury and in binary pulsars). Rays of light…

Approval of a Resolution for an international treaty to ban nuclear weapons in pictures

On the 15th of December, during the 361st session of the Ecuador National Assembly, a Resolution was passed in favour of banning nuclear weapons, prepared in collaboration with the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons.  Tony Robinson, co-director of Pressenza…

Was it missed in the Paris Climate Talks? Pollution and Health

So the triumphalism of the Paris Climate change talks seemed contagious and timely. But there were criticisms. Not enough money. Too voluntary, not really binding. And so on. Here is another: Pollution and Health Carbon capture does not address cardiovascular…

Welcome to your new home

by Abby Zimet, staff writer for Common Dreams Oh Canada. The flood of stricken refugees continues, prompting much of Europe to turn its heedless back: Hungary has closed its borders, refugees in Bulgarian camps report being beaten and abused, Germany’s…

Grand promises of Paris climate deal undermined by squalid retrenchments

By George Monbiot for The Guardian By comparison to what it could have been, it’s a miracle. By comparison to what it should have been, it’s a disaster. Inside the narrow frame within which the talks have taken place, the…

UNFOLD ZERO presents joint declaration to the UN for a Nuclear Weapon Free World

UNFOLD ZERO presents joint declaration to the UN UNFOLD ZERO presented a Joint Statement of Mayors, Parliamentarians and Religious Leaders for a Nuclear Weapon Free World to Mogens Lykketoft, the President of the UN General Assembly, as world leaders gathered…

Republic of the Marshall Islands receives Right Livelihood Award

“On April 24, 2014 , the Republic of the Marshall Islands filed landmark lawsuits against the nine nuclear-armed nations for failing to comply with their obligations under international law to pursue negotiations for the worldwide elimination of nuclear weapons. The Republic of the Marshall…

COP21- exclusion of human rights from draft text of Paris Agreement

Last night around 10 o’clock, the long-awaited new text of the Paris Climate Agreement was released. Something that fell like a drop of cold water was the complete exclusion of the mention of human rights from the operative text of…

Nobel Foundation taken to court on its Peace Prize

Alfred Nobel decided to give one fifth of his fortune for a prize to promote disarmament and resolution of all conflicts through negotiations and legal means, never through violence. It should go to “champions of peace” – to reducing or…

“Liberté is not just a word”: Klein, Corbyn call for mass protest at COP21

By taking to the streets, we will be clearly and unequivocally rejecting the Hollande government’s draconian and opportunistic bans on marches, protests, and demonstrations.” by Nadia Prupis, staff writer for Common Dreams. In Paris on Monday, a panel of activists,…

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