

UN nuclear talks: Who’s afraid of a ban treaty?

Back in October 2015, the UN General Assembly authorised the formation of a working group to study legal measures for nuclear disarmament.  Work started in February and the group has convened again in the first two weeks of May before…

300 economists tell world leaders tax havens ‘serve no useful economic purpose’

Thomas Piketty, Angus Deaton, Jeffrey Sachs and Nora Lustig join call for more tax transparency. by Oxfam UK. More than 300 leading economists from 30 countries have today written to world leaders warning there is no economic justification for allowing…

…to surpass this final stage of human prehistory…

A quick look at the social situation usually immerses many people in a “sea of outrage”.  The most aberrant news floods the mass media.  Migration crisis, mass hunger, insensitive politics, inhuman governments, wars, the threat of nuclear attack and other…

Panama Papers: Source calls for prosecutions of lawyers and protection for whistleblowers

The source behind the biggest leak of private information in history, the Panama Papers, has communicated for the first time since the first stories were published in the world’s media.  Claiming to be unconnected to governments or security agencies, the…

Lest the world forget, the North Koreans are real people living real lives

Jean Lee writing for gives a comprehensive overview of the situation in North Korea today and what has gone immediately before to bring leader Kim Jong Un’s first party congress in 36 years, centre stage. See: leader Kim Jong…

Pro-Corporate TTIP on the ropes as top French officials lambaste ‘Bad Deal’

At this stage, France says ‘No,’” says president François Hollande” by Deirdre Fulton, staff writer for Common Dreams The corporate-influenced TransAtlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), exposed earlier this week as “an enormous corporate power grab,” looks increasingly precarious. French…

Violence against women journalists threatens media freedom

By Tharanga Yakupitiyage For women journalists, violence and intimidation don’t just happen in conflict zones, they are every day experiences. “You don’t even have to be in a conflict zone to be violated anymore,” New York Times reporter and author of the Taliban…

Governments meet in Geneva to discuss legal pathway to ban nuclear weapons

Preparations for nuclear war are ongoing. Nuclear-armed states have halted nuclear reductions, engaged in new modernization programmes and have blocked any nuclear disarmament negotiations at the Conference on Disarmament for the past 20 years. With escalating tensions between nuclear possessors,…

Leaked TTIP Documents: Threats to Regulatory Protections

Vía Common Dreams WASHINGTON – Today, Greenpeace Netherlands leaked negotiating texts of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) agreement, the proposed trade deal between the United States and Europe. The leaks include 13 of 17 consolidated texts, as well…

Interview Susan George: Direct consequences of signing the TTIP

Interview with Susan George, philosopher and political analyst. President of the Planning Committee of the Transnational Institute in Amsterdam. Former Vice President of ATTAC France. During her visit to Barcelona to attend the 4º Seminario de Convivencia Planetaria, Construimos Biocivilización,…

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