

Japan detains movement leader to silence struggle against U.S. military bases

By Michael Caster On October 17, Hiroji Yamashiro was arrested for cutting a wire fence at a protest against a U.S. military base in Okinawa. He has been held in detention ever since. Yamashiro, the chairman of the Okinawa Peace…

Why Do Some Men Rape?

A recent report from Equality Now titled ‘The World’s Shame: The Global Rape Epidemic’ offered a series of recommendations for strengthened laws to deter and punish sexual violence against women and girls. However, there is substantial evidence that legal approaches…

Film Review. Hidden Figures. Unmissable

I am grateful that this film was made, not only because it is an important testimony against racism but also because in the midst of violent blockbusters often depicting imaginary superheroes the very real lives of three black female mathematicians…

Understanding the situation of the Middle East today. From one world war to another (1/3)

To understand the situation of today’s Middle East, it’s necessary to review a century of history. It’s necessary to go back to the aftermath of the First World War to see a large part of the geopolitical data that explains…

Imperialist Wars And Interventions Fuel Refugee Crisis In Africa

By Thomas Gaist Large numbers of persons fleeing war and famine in sub-Saharan Africa are transiting through Libya in a desperate effort to reach Europe, UNICEF reported last week. An estimated 80,000 refugees, including 25,000 children, left Libyan ports in…

Women’s progress uneven, facing backlash – UN Rights Chief

“The women’s movement has brought about tremendous change but we must also recognise that progress has been slow and extremely uneven and that it also brought its own challenges,” warned the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al…

The shameful epidemic that is rape

By Phil Harris for InDepthNews Do legal systems around the world give women and girls true protection from rape and other forms of sexual violence? Do the victims of rape and sexual violence have access to real justice if violence…

Let Women Speak and Give Them a Hearing

Human Wrongs Watch By Farhana Haque Rahman, Director General, Inter Press Service ROME, Mar 7 2017 (IPS) – Basic rights always need champions, and that’s truer today than it ought to be as around the world we see an unwelcome…

The New Media World Order

In only a few months, the content of the Western national and international media has undergone profound change. We are witnessing the birth of an Entente about which we know almost nothing – neither the real initiators, nor the real…

Revolutionary book “At the Crossroads of Humanity’s Future” published in English

Pressenza has been promoting widely the new book by the Argentinian author, Guillermo Sullings.  Titled “At the Crossroads of Humanity’s Future: 120 steps towards the Universal Human Nation”, the book has just been translated to English in Hungary by Pressenza…

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