

Time to Ban the Bomb

This week, the Chair of an exciting UN initiative formally named the “United Nations Conference to Negotiate a Legally Binding Instrument to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons, Leading Towards their Total Elimination” released a draft treaty to ban and prohibit nuclear weapons…

Towards Peace by Pursuing Live and Let Live Policies

By Somar Wijayadasa* Foreign policies – an integral part of any national strategy – command the highest priority of all nations. Since World War II, several foreign policies of super powers did not yield expected results even though all policies…

Scientists welcome draft UN nuclear ban treaty

Scientists for Global Responsibility (SGR) warmly welcomes the publication yesterday of a draft UN treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons. This draft is the result of negotiations involving 132 nations, which addresses the legal gap which currently exists whereby…

The threat of nuclear accident has never been so great

Waiting for Portugal To guarantee “a prohibition on production, acquisition, use, transport and threat of nuclear weapons” through a legally binding legal instrument is more urgent than ever. Jean Marie Collin, expert in questions of nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament called…

Trump in Riyadh – A Gulf NATO to gang up against Iran and Syria

Today, I am proud to say that NATO has a new home in the Gulf region. And that we have opened a new chapter in our deepening partnership. NATO S-G, Jens Stoltenberg, in Kuwait on January 24, 2017 By Jan…

Getting Julian Assange: The Untold Story

By John Pilger Julian Assange has been vindicated because the Swedish case against him was corrupt. The prosecutor, Marianne Ny, obstructed justice and should be prosecuted. Her obsession with Assange not only embarrassed her colleagues and the judiciary but exposed…

Trump’s Speech In Riyadh Signals US Escalation Against Iran

By Bill Van Auken Riddled with hypocrisy, clichés and absurdities, President Donald Trump’s speech Sunday before an assembly of monarchs and despots in Saudi Arabia spelled out an agenda of escalating US militarism throughout the Middle East and a buildup…

ICAN applauds draft treaty to ban nuclear weapons

Confidence the treaty will be completed by July 7 increases ICAN welcomes today’s release of a draft treaty to ban nuclear weapons as an essential milestone in the years-long effort to ban these indiscriminate weapons of mass destruction and an…

Alternative facts challenge journalists to rethink role

From targeted propaganda to fake news, the media industry has struggled to meet the challenges of false information on the internet. But some journalists warn that facts may not be enough. Over the past year, false news has vigorously spread…

Truth or Delusion?

One inevitable outcome of the phenomenal violence we all suffer as children is that most of us live in a state of delusion throughout our lives. This makes it extraordinarily difficult for accurate information, including vital information about the endangered…

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