

Marry-the-rapist law defeated in Jordan

“Jordan’s parliament has repealed a provision in its penal code that allowed a rapist to escape punishment if he married his victim, the AP reports. Cheers erupted from the spectators’ gallery as legislators narrowly voted on Tuesday to scrap controversial…

August 12: reach HIGH for a nuclear-weapon-free world!

August 12 is the United Nations International Youth Day. The theme this year is Youth Building Peace. One important way youth can help build peace is to promote the global abolition of nuclear weapons. Leaders of nuclear-armed States – like President Donald…

Playing nuclear “chicken” with our lives

by Lawrence Wittner for Common Dreams What kind of civilization have we developed when two mentally unstable national leaders, in an escalating confrontation with each other, threaten one another―and the world―with nuclear war? That question arises as a potentially violent…

What Is Peace Journalism?

Prof. Jake Lynch Peace journalism is when editors and reporters make choices – about what to report, and how to report it – that create opportunities for society at large to consider and to value non-violent responses to conflict. If…

‘World Still Lagging on Indigenous Rights 10 Years after Historic Declaration’

By UN Human Rights* The world’s indigenous peoples still face huge challenges a decade after the adoption of an historic declaration on their rights, a group of United Nations experts and specialist bodies has warned. Speaking ahead of the International…

Can the Gender Gap Be Measured in Dollars Only?

By Baher Kamal Until a decade or so ago, experts and world organisations measured the impact of natural and man-made disasters in terms of human losses. For instance, they would inform about the number –and suffering—of human beings falling victims…

TED talks: An Independent Diplomat

After 15 years in the British diplomatic corps, Carne Ross became a “freelance diplomat,” running a bold nonprofit that gives small, developing and yet-unrecognized nations a voice in international relations. At the BIF-5 conference, he calls for a new kind…

Hiroshima Day 2009: Launch of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence

I reproduce here the presentation I gave for World Without Wars and Violence at the launch of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence (WM) in London on Hiroshima Day, event organised by CND and chaired by Jeremy Corbyn MP,…

“The revolution will not be NGO-ised”: four lessons from African feminist organising

By VALERIE BAH and FELOGENE ANUMO for openDemocracy African feminist movements are diverse. But we can, and must, learn from decades of transformational organising on the continent. As African feminists, we face multiple systems of oppression including the effects of…

The Bilateral Relationship That Matters

By Chandra Muzaffar Which is the most important bilateral relationship in the international arena today?  Many analysts would argue that it is the relationship between the United States of America and China that has the greatest significance for the world.…

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