

Trump’s Strategy May Drive Pakistan Closer To Russia And China

By Abdus Sattar Ghazali Beijing and Moscow have come to Pakistan’s defense in light of President Donald Trump’s Afghan and Pakistan strategy unveiled on Monday. After China’s strong message defending Pakistan’s role in Afghanistan and asking the global community to…

The Accidental Anarchist | Carne Ross | TEDxSkoll

Published on Apr 19, 2017 A former British diplomat in the lead up to the Iraq war, Carne experienced first-hand the lies and self-serving discourse of political power. After a profound crisis, he began a quest for a more just…

As Syria war tightens, US and Russia military hotlines humming

Even as tensions between the United States and Russia fester, there is one surprising place where their military-to-military contacts are quietly weathering the storm: Syria. It has been four months since US President Donald Trump ordered cruise missile strikes against…

US Air Strike Slaughters Over 40 Civilians In Syria

By Jordan Shilton An air strike launched by the United States on the ISIS stronghold of Raqqa in northeastern Syria Monday claimed the lives of 42 civilians, 19 of whom were children. It is the bloodiest incident thus far in…

Why are all those Racists so Terrified?

Racism is not a new phenomenon and while it is an ongoing daily reality for vast numbers of people, it also often bursts from the shadows to remind us that just because we can keep ignoring the endless sequence of…

In Barcelona, Muslims demonstrate in their thousands against terrorism

“We’re Muslims, not terrorists” Over 140 Muslim groups and associations from Barcelona and neighbouring areas participated in a gathering this Mondy in Plaza Catalunya in response to the attacks on Thursday 17th August in the Catalan capital and in Cambrils…

Demanding ban on killer robots, tech experts warn of opening “this Pandora’s box”

“Lethal autonomous weapons threaten to become the third revolution in warfare,” robotics and artificial intelligence experts warn by Jessica Corbett, staff writer for Common Dreams More than 100 robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) experts published on Monday an open letter…

Working towards a new type of relationship between nations: The diplomacy of Active Nonviolence

In her recent participation in the “Peace Building” round table organised by the Ministry of Foreign Relations and Human Mobility in Ecuador, Nelsy Lizarazo, President of the international news agency Pressenza, said, “The hallmark of Ecuador’s diplomacy is based on…

Carter on the US-North Korea crisis: an insider’s view

Press release from the Carter Center Statement from Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter on Current U.S.-North Korea Relations August 10, 2017 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: The harsh rhetoric from Washington and Pyongyang during recent months has exacerbated an already…

Venezuela Under Threat Of Imperialist Military Intervention: Stand In Solidarity

By Farooque Chowdhury The Empire’s unhappy mood with Venezuela is old news. It is now showing its teeth to the Latin American nation. It’s now talking in military terms. The mainstream media including the AP, CNN and Miami Herald said…

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