

Nobel lecture: Nuclear weapons signify not a country’s elevation to greatness, but its descent to the darkest depths of depravity

Today, Sunday, 10th of December, 2017, ICAN received the Nobel Peace Prize for their work in securing a treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons.  Setsuko Thurlow, survivor of the Hiroshima bomb on the 6th of August 1945 gave half…

Nobel Lecture: We must reclaim the freedom to not live our lives as hostages to imminent annihilation

Today, Sunday, 10th of December, 2017, ICAN received the Nobel Peace Prize for their work in securing a treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons.  Beatrice Fihn, executive director of the network gave half of the Nobel Lecture. Your Majesties,…

Three more countries sign the Nuclear Ban Treaty

Yesterday, Friday 8th of December, three more countries formally signed the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in a ceremony at the UN in New York. Jamaica, St Vincent and the Grenadines, and Namibia join 53 other countries as…

Survey shows gloomy public wrong about crime, immigrants and teen pregnancies

By The Conversation Bobby Duffy, King’s College London A new survey from Ipsos Mori reveals that the public in 38 countries have deeply inaccurate views about crime, terrorism and many other important social issues. And this is not just the…

Trump: A catalyst for the peace movement?

by Dr. Dieter Duhm. Donald Trump is the commander-in-chief of the biggest military force on Earth. There’s no societal power above him, that’s why he can do whatever he wants. What does he want? Or does he, perhaps, not have…

Human peace and nonviolence symbols in schools

In the Nonviolence Conference to prepare the 2nd World March for Peace and Nonviolence, the continuation was announced of a campaign started last year in which more than 10,000 pupils in 54 schools participated in human peace and nonviolence symbols.…

Violence Against Women: Why the UN Secretary-General Got it Wrong

In his remarks on the recent International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women – see ‘Violence Against Women is Fundamentally About Power’ – United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres inadvertantly demonstrated why well-meaning efforts being undertaken globally to reduce…

The Second World March for Peace and Nonviolence

This is the continuation of the first part of this article. The panel on Participative democracy, technology and collective intelligence was moderated by the system engineer Carlos Rossique[i] who questioned the possible and desirable levels of democracy for the 21st…

One Third of Food Lost, Wasted – Enough to Feed All Hungry People

By Baher Kamal Believe it or not, the way to eradicate hunger from the face of the Earth is as feasible as it is handy. In fact, the current loss and waste of one-third of all food produced for human…

FAILED: Foreign Policy as We Know It

By David Swanson The Stop the War Coalition has just published a short summary of what’s wrong with foreign policy, going through a partial list of current wars one by one. Of course this is a British organization with a…

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