

How It Could Finally Be Possible to Prosecute War as a Crime

By David Swanson War is a crime. The International Criminal Court has just announced that it will finally treat it as a crime, sort-of, kind-of. But how can war’s status as a crime effectively deter the world’s leading war-maker from threatening and…

How It Could Finally Be Possible to Prosecute War as a Crime

By David Swanson War is a crime. The International Criminal Court has just announced that it will finally treat it as a crime, sort-of, kind-of. But how can war’s status as a crime effectively deter the world’s leading war-maker from…

Year In Review: Will 2018 Usher In A New Palestinian Strategy?

By Dr Ramzy Baroud 2017 will be remembered as the year that the so-called ‘peace process’, at least in its American formulation, has ended. And with its demise, a political framework that has served as the foundation for US foreign…

@RadioPressenza: Review of 2017

Our English language readers may not know that our Spanish language colleagues have a weekly radio show, “Pressenza International in your Ear”, on Ecuadorean public radio, Radio Pichincha Universal.  Every week we bring a selection of international news and interviews…

As wealthiest amass another $1 trillion in 2017, calls for a ‘Strike Back’ against oligarchy

“We can have a world where everyone has a decent home, the chance for an education, and access to healthcare. Or we can have billionaires. We can’t have both.” by Julia Conley, staff writer for Common Dreams As the gap…

A Trump in a china shop

Not many expected it to be so bad. But Trump’s election has already led to a series of measures that make this time one of the most dangerous in history, including raising the possibility of nuclear war to new heights.…

10 Amazing social movement struggles in 2017 that give us reason to hope

Despite endless capitalist greed and militarism, people are still fighting for a just world. by Nick Buxton for Common Dreams The bad news streaming through our media in 2017 has been relentless. However it doesn’t tell the full story. Beyond…

Sri Lanka Joins Global Landmine Ban

Others should reconsider joining treaty. Sri Lanka joined the international treaty banning antipersonnel landmines on December 13, 2017, Human Rights Watch said today. The action is especially significant because Sri Lanka used antipersonnel mines in the past and has since…

Gorbachev Was Promised No NATO Expansion

By David Swanson For decades the pretense has been maintained that there is some doubt as to whether the United States really promised Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev that if Germany reunited, then NATO would not expand eastward. The National Security…

Bitcoin Frenzy: The Fever Chart Of A Deepening Crisis

By Guy Lane Bitcoin mining – the mechanism of creating Bitcoins and approving transactions on the blockchain – consumes prodigious amounts of electricity due to the use of a ‘Proof of Work’ cryptographic algorithm. While some Bitcoin is mined using…

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