

Love of the Good and Love of Neighbor: Celebrating UN World Interfaith Harmony Week

It was a Saturday afternoon, usually the busiest day of the week in Metro Manila. Streets were jammed as people went about their weekend activities and chores. Amidst the hustle and bustle, a motley group of people braved the traffic…

The nonviolent revolution is beginning to become a value

We found very interesting an article published in the section of Science, Education and Technology by El País, written by José L. Álvarez Cedena which highlights the initiative of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, better known as MIT, and specifically…

USA: the Liberal/Progressive/Left Has Destroyed Itself

It  took just one 4 page memo to annihilate 18 months of relentless, inexorable, nonstop lies. The Dems idiot plan has backfired making Trump more powerful than ever. Was Russiagate the Deep State’s conspiracy against Trump or the Deep State’s…

The world’s most dangerous document hits the front pages…

Did you see the in-depth coverage today on top of your news media? By Jan Oberg No it didn’t. The mainstream media are totally irresponsible in their priorities. At the moment of writing, five hours after the world’s most dangerous…

Made in the USA: The Real History of the MS-13 Gang Trump Talked About in State of the Union

During President Trump’s first State of the Union, he called on Congress to pass an immigration overhaul and repeatedly tried to conflate immigrants, including DREAMers, with terrorists and gang members. Among Trump’s guests to the State of the Union were…

The West’s new ‘values-based’ racism

Psychologists say that every war first starts in human hearts – with the dehumanization of one’s opponent. The current sad state of Russia’s relations with the US and the EU is characterized by exactly that – dehumanization. The modern form…

Nuclear disarmament: an avalanche of local authority motions for Italy to reconsider

We spoke with Lisa Clark, an Italian pacifist with a great track record, among many other things co-president of the International Peace Bureau; we interviewed her as Italian coordinator for Mayors for Peace, one of the international organizations that are…

A group of US hospitals will create their own generics to avoid pharmaceutical manipulation

Tired of the scarcity and high prices, more than 450 hospitals in the US have come together to create a non-profit pharmaceutical company. Several companies are being investigated in the US and the European Union for trying to manipulate the…

We’re climate researchers and our work was turned into fake news

Michael Grubb, UCL for The Conversation Science is slow. It rests on painstaking research with accumulating evidence. This makes for an inherently uneasy relationship with the modern media age, especially once issues are politicised. The interaction between politics and media…

It is now 2 minutes to midnight!

We republish the press statement, released on the 25th of January, 2018 from the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. Citing growing nuclear risks and unchecked climate dangers, the iconic Doomsday Clock is now 30 seconds closer to midnight, the closest to…

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