

329 financial institutions shamed for assisting nuclear weapon production

Today marked the release by PAX, the Dutch peace organisation, of their annual Don’t Bank on the Bomb report.  This year’s report is more relevant than ever given last year’s historic agreement by 122 countries on the text of the…

The Middle East’s Nuclear Technology Clock Starts Ticking

by Dr James M Dorsey The Middle East’s nuclear technology clock is ticking as nations pursue peaceful capabilities that potentially leave the door open to future military options. Concern about a nuclear arms race is fuelled by uncertainty over the…

Cockatoos Under Threat: Homonhon Island Residents, Social Development Network Push for Protection on World Wildlife Day Celebration

As the world celebrates World Wildlife Day with the theme “Big Cats: Predators Under Threat”, residents of Homonhon and its partner social development network, the Philippine Misereor Partnership Inc. (PMPI) are calling the attention of concerned government agencies to prevent…

When international institutions get it oh so wrong we must wake up

When the Nobel panel in charge of choosing the Peace Laureate gave the prize to Henry Kissinger, architect of repression and death and regime change in various continents, the comedian Tom Lehrer declared political satire dead. Then Barack Obama got…

Putin’s State of the Union

The military/security complex and the neoconservative ideology of US world hegemony have proved sufficiently powerful to prevent President Trump from normalizing relations with Russia. If push comes to shove, how can any country hosting US ABMs, US nuclear weapons, and US military bases…

Deconstructing “The next War” section in The Economist

by Thomas Prentice for the Off Guardian, published on February 28, 2018   How much should we let humans interfere with the functioning of machines and algorithms designed to kill people? The Economist, published a 16-page special section called “The…

Blockchain Will Upend Big Medicine

Posted on: Monday, February 26th 2018 at 1:45 pm Written By: James Grundvig The original article, copyrighted by GreenMedInfo LLC, 2018, can be found here. Here are GreenMedInfo Re-post guidelines Translated into Italian in two parts: here and here  …

Why we should start taxing the robots that are taking human jobs

Ryan Abbott, University of Surrey and Bret Bogenschneider, University of Surrey  for The Conversation Automation promises to be one of the great social challenges of our generation. The fear that robots will steal our jobs is an old one. But it’s…

How Uncle Sam launders marijuana money

The government accepts marijuana money for taxes… The government makes a massive profit off the deal, snatching up to 70 percent of the proceeds of the reporting businesses, as opposed to the more typical rate of 30 percent … [since they] are not…

A funny look at the unintended consequences of technology

Technology should work for us, but what happens when it doesn’t? Comedian Chuck Nice explores the unintended consequences of technological advancement and human interaction — with hilarious results.   Transcript Future tech always comes with two things: promise and unintended…

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