

World premiere of the documentary: Universal Basic Income (UBI), our right to live

The world premiere of the documentary on Universal and Unconditional Basic Income “UBI, our right to live” will be on 12 May, at 12 noon. Director Álvaro Orús and some of the Spanish “protagonists”, such as Julen Bollain and Mayte…

The Four Horsemen Gallop By

The notion that Britain will take part in military action against Syria with neither investigation of the evidence nor a parliamentary vote is worrying indeed. Without Security Council authorisation, any such action is illegal in any event. Originally published by…

How Chinese products went from cheap and cheerful to weapons in US trade war

Qing Shan Ding, University of Huddersfield for The Conversation Tensions are escalating between China and the US over trade. The Chinese government has announced retaliatory measures on a range of American products including cars and some American agriculture products after…

On The Threshold of War

By Paul Craig Roberts, April 9, 2018 “The Russian view is simple: the West is ruled by a gang of thugs supported by an infinitely lying and hypocritical media while the general public in the West has been hopelessly zombified.” —…

Challenges for Resolving Complex Conflicts

While conflict theories and resolution processes advanced dramatically during the second half of the 20th century, particularly thanks to the important work of several key scholars such as Professor Johan Galtung – see ‘Conflict Transformation by Peaceful Means (the Transcend…

‘Mutant fish in murky waters’: US brings global chaos & has no real friends, says Russia’s UN envoy

Russia has warned the US and its allies against “fishing in murky waters” of the Middle East, causing further chaos there. The US shouldn’t assume it has friends, only countries unable to disagree, UN envoy Vassily Nebenzia said. The US…


The UK is drawing plans to join a possible US military action against Syria in response to the alleged chemical attack in town of Douma, which took place on April 7. According to reports, on April 9, military chiefs were instructed by the…

Geneva launches new government round on autonomous weapons: The danger of machines learning to kill by themselves

by Javier Tolcachier It stands for LAWS. These are the lethal autonomous weapon systems, also called killer robots. Far from being futuristic hallucinations of science fiction writers, they constitute one of the nuclei of the current arms race. The US…

Not 50 million, not 87 million… Facebook admits data from ‘most’ of its 2 billion users compromised by ‘Malicious Actors’

Buried in a company announcement was acknowledgement that nearly all of its users have been targeted to some degree by Jessica Corbett, staff writer for Common Dreams “Buried in Facebook’s announcement that Cambridge Analytica had improperly gathered data from up to…

Decolonise science – time to end another imperial era

Rohan Deb Roy, University of Reading for The Conversation Sir Ronald Ross had just returned from an expedition to Sierra Leone. The British doctor had been leading efforts to tackle the malaria that so often killed English colonists in the…

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